Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

.:Rachel's POV:.

"Well that happened.." Julie trailed off, "Now what?" she continued.

"I don't know, but we defiantly have to be more careful now," I replied, "So, you really had a vision?" Logan asked me, "Nooo I made all that up and it just so happened to come true," I stated sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and looked around, "So what now? Where do we go?" He asked, "I don't know, lets just walk up the road and see what we can find, like a little town or something," I advised everyone.

Everyone agreed and we all started walking down the road, on the side so we wouldn't get hit of course.

I thought back to my vision, what did it mean?

It was like a hint, or a warning or something. And it seemed so real!

Logan died in it, and he was the first I saw to die. Maybe this like a game or something, I think I've heard of it before but I can't remember.

There was glass in his face, so maybe it has something to do with glass-


"Aw shit," I looked up at Logan to see him looking at his foot,

He had stepped on broke glass.

My mouth hung open and my eyes grew wide. I soon noticed him looking at me, "Whats wrong babe?" He asked,

Should I tell him? Would it be safe to do that, I mean yes, it's good to avoid your death, but I don't want him freakin out..

"It's nothing.." I shook my head looking down, "Okay?" he said confused.

"Hey look!" Julie said, we looked ahead to see a small town coming into view, we cheered happily.

We started running towards it and once we got there, we found a subway, "Oooh Subway!! I'm starving lets get some food," I said.

"Your always hungry," Logan said, "And whats wrong with that?" I asked, not knowing wether to be offended or not.

"Nothing, I was just saying," he replied, though I couldn't help but feel a slight pang in my chest. I looked forward and continued walking there with the others.

Soon we arrived and ended up standing in a really long line, I swear I don't think I've ever seen Subway so busy before!

I felt like I had waited there with everyone for an hour until we were finally up to pick.

"Hello! Welcome to Subway, what can I get for you today?" the girl asked me.

I looked around at the ingredients, "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-" "RACHEL, PICK SOMETHING!" Julie said bursting into laughter.

I laughed with her and nearly cried from laughing so much.

I heard something and looked over and my laughter immediately died down, smile wiped right off my face.

There, coming right towards us,

Was the RV.

But wait! Thats not possible!! the RV fell off a cliff and crashed! How is it there?!

"Rachel, whats-" Before Emily could finish the RV crashed into the window and came straight towards us.

We all screamed and huddled back for safety, I grabbed around for Logan to make sure he was back here with us but it was to late, the RV had crashed into him, glass shooting right through his body and head, blood dripping down his forehead.

All we heard now was silence, and my cries.

He's dead, I can't believe he's really dead!

He didn't even get to buy my food- OFF TOPIC.

My boyfriends DEAD!!

I can't believe it! We were planning on growing old together!

I cried, though it sounded like over stressed screams.

"NOO!" I screamed over and over, but it's to late, he's already gone.


"Okay so what exactly is going on here?" Julie asked, "I don't know, but it's freaking me out," I replied.

Right now Julie and I are just trying to figure out what's going on and why it's happening.

"So what, is death after us?" she joked laughing nervously.

My eyes grew wide as I realized she could be right about that.

"That's it.." I said, "Thats it! Death is after us!" I said, "What? Your cereal?! What do you mean?" She asked sitting down beside me, since she was previously pacing around.

"Yea I'm cereal! Death is out to get us! It's a game, so maybe if we cheat it, like skip our deaths, then maybe none of us will die and it will be over." I explained, "I see where your getting at, and it might just work." she replied.


A/N: Okay ima end it there, I know it's shorter then the last chapter but my iPod is getting a bit close to dying so yea. Hope you enjoyed it ;3


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