What is Wicca?

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Wicca is a religion, of course. it is one of the very few religions that refuse to believe in only one god, that is in charge of your whole life and every thing that you do. Wiccan people believe in a large amount of gods and goddesses. each god has a female and male version. Wiccan people are often in a coven with many other Wiccan people. covens rarely allow people under the age of eighteen to join their coven.


A coven is a group of Wiccan people. not all Wiccan people share the exact same beliefs and traditions as each other, but all the people in one coven often do. a coven will meet and practice together. Mostly magic. Many coven members will often share their recently found information and traditions with members of their coven.


Yes. Wiccan's do use magic. most non-Wiccan people have almost no belief in magic at all. me as being new to the Wiccan religion, I used to never believe in magic, but with the discovery of Wiccan people, I truly believe in magic now. Wiccan's may use different types of magic. in fact, there are three different types of Wiccan magic. elemental magic, white magic, and black magic, but in will get into magic within the next chapters. even though, I don't recommend using magic until you have studied for an amount of time.


As I said, the next part is on the different types of magic. I will have some spells posted closer to the end of the book. I recommend that you will write them down in a notebook. make sure that you never lose or wreck that notebook. it will hold all of the spells that you collect.

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