Class begins (part 1)

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Morning came, the sun slowly bathing the girls bedroom with its gentle light. An owl was sitting outside of the window waiting for its owner to finally wake up.

Reader's POV:

Yawns and sounds of beds creaking woke me up. After a quick panic attack, I realised that 1) I hadn't been abducted and 2) I was in the girls dormitory and it was time to get up and to go to class. With a sigh, I sat up on my bed and looked around. I was met with the sight of my newest friends. There was Alice, a black haired girl and the red head witch, Lily Evans. The latter was looking at me with her hands on her hips, and a smile on her face.

"Come on sleepyhead ! Get up ! Come ooooooooon !" She said trying to pull me out of the bed. Of course I wasn't helping her. She soon gave up and groaned, while Alice giggled brushing her hair.

"Come on (Y/n) ! Dress up quickly or I'll leave without you !"

"Fine fine .. I'm getting up .." I mumbled, a huge yawn escaping my lips at the end. Lily made a whistling sound hearing it, before chuckling and comparing it to a lion's yawn.

I shook my head smiling, it wasn't the first time that someone compared my yawn to a lion's. I got up and went to the bathroom with my clothes. I took a quick shower then prepared myself. I exited the bathroom 15 minutes later, and noticed the grey owl sitting on my window frame. Smiling, I opened the window and greeted Xerces, the (L/n) owl. In his mouth was a letter with my family's crest on it. My smile widened as I read my parents' letter.


How was your first night ? In which house were you sorted ? Did you already make any friends ? And how are Regulus and Sirius doing ? Send them a kiss, will you ?'

I knew that it was my mother who had written. Her handwritting was similar to mine, and well the five questions in a row betrayed her and her curiosity. But suddenly the handwritting changed and I figured out that my father took over.

'Sorry sweetheart, you know how your mother is... Anyway write us back as soon as possible (I don't know how long I can contain her..)

I wish you the best, have fun and study hard. And don't forget to write us.


Mom and Dad'

By the end of the letter I was giggling, they would never change. I decided that I would write them after classes today. I gave some treats to Xerces then exited the room with the girls. On the way to the great hall, I talked with the ginger girl about our families and I learned that Lily was a muggleborn. So I asked her how she had reacted when the letter of admission in Hogwarts came. She told me that a friend of hers was a wizard and that he had already prepared her mentally and taught her things about the school and the wizarding world. I learned that her friend was also a Slytherin like Regulus. Talk about the devil and he should come. I caught a glimpse of said boy at the end of the corridor.

"Oh ! There he is ! I'll catch up with him. I'll join you later in the great hall ! Save me a seat !" I said then began running towards the third year boy. He turned at a corner and I followed him.

Seeing no one else but us, I grinned then hugged him from behind.
"Heyyyy ! Reg ...ulus" I added quickly seeing another boy.

The boy had long blond hair and was glaring down at me. I blushed under his glare. Regulus put his arm around my waist then smiled at me.

"Good morning to you too. (Y/n), meet the next Prefect of the Slytherin house, Lucius Malfoy. Lucius meet (Y/n) (L/n), first year in Gryffindor."

Lucius studied me for a few seconds then nodded curtely. Feeling really nervous I turned towards Reg, who was currently rubbing my back in small circles trying to reassure me.

"W..Well I need to get going. I'll see you later Regulus." I cursed myself internally for stuttering, then glanced at the blond. "Goodbye."

Without waiting for an answer I dashed off, and ran towards the Great Hall. I quickly spotted the girls and sat beside Alice.

"You alright ?" Lily asked glacing at my hands. I followed her eyes and I realised that my hands were shaking.

Damn, the blond had been teryfing.

"Y..Yeah I'm fine !" Seeing her look, I told her the truth." I just met a third year Slytherin and he was ... let's just say.." I licked my dry lips. "Impressive."

Lily nodded her head, understanding. Then we all started eating.

Regulus' POV:

I watched as (Y/n) clearly ran away. I was both amused by her reaction and glad that she left. Lucius was clearly not someone I wanted her to know about. Said snake gave me a knowing look and I answered.

"Yes, she is a pureblood. But her family never attended any of our meetings."

Lucius raised one blond eyebrow and I sighed internally. "We met by chance when we were children and our parents stayed in touch."

"I see.." Lucius nodded and walked away. Leaving me frowning and staring at his back.

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