"How was school?"


"Where'd you get that bruise from?"


"Are you okay?"


it was the same conversation,
with me and my brother.
I'd ask the same questions,
I'd get the same lie.

We'd eat dinner in the same spots,
at exactly 7:07pm.

I'd make Mac and Cheese,
maybe spaghetti,
or my famous fried rice.

I'd sit right across for him,
eating my meal,
drinking my water.

He'd stare at his food,
as I examined him.

Brown hair blue eyes,
you were Mamas' guy.

it was a stupid rhyme we'd sing,
when we were still kids.

I smile,
and kick him under the table.

He jumps, spooked,
realizes it was me,
and cracks me a grin,
before sticking his tongue out.

We were two years apart,
me sixteen,
him fourteen.

we were complete opposites,
George was the outgoing guy,
he'd take everything as a joke,
and fight for what he believes in.

Sometimes, he fights too hard.

He had the same features as our mother,
the same hair, his curly,
the same eyes, his sharp.

Well, I was the accident child,
the bastard child,
you know,
the secret affair child?

the one that was never supposed to be alive?

the one that ruined their parents marriage?

I had the black hair,
straight and messy,
stormed grey eyes,
sharp and dangerous.

That's how I got my name,
they named me after a story,
I wont tell you the name, you can guess.

I'll give you a hint:
"He flew too close to the sun,"


I finish up my homework,
I go to my room,
I melt into myself.

My legs give way,
my arms slam onto the floor,
my body shuts down.


George is crying when I wake up,
not a nightmare,
he's screaming my name.

Its a horrible screech,
that type that sends shivers down your spine,
goosebumps everywhere.

"Wake up!" He's shoving me,
shaking me,
screaming in my ear.

The tears hit me,
I shot up,
eyes wide,
head throbbing.

"What happened?"
my voice is raw,

George stares,
his smile gone,
and then latches onto me,

I put my arms around him,
and whisper encouragements.

"I'm okay,"
No I'm not.

"I was scared, I didn't want to lose you."

"You won't ever lose me."
another regret I've always known,
is that,
I just don't know when to keep my mouth shut.






Not going to lie, I did not plan on finishing this. The book was losing interest and I felt like I didn't have anyone actually reading it, so special thanks to @scoobywoo for your comment, and giving me motivation. I had this chapter prewritten, so consider this a little treat.

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