Chapter 2

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Garu's POV

I saw her pick up the box cutter and started to use it. I'm not sure where exactly because I couldn't quite see. I decide to move a bit more and she was cutting herself! I instantly slammed the door open and looked at her. "Pucca What the heck are you doing?!" Pucca then hided the box cutter behind her. "Pucca let me see your arms" Pucca shakes her head. I grab her arm and rolled down her red sleeve. I saw red cuts while drops of blood dripping. "Pucca...why?" Pucca then hesitated.

Pucca's POV
I decided to speak up. "Garu". He responded by saying "hm?". "The reason I'm doing this is because of you. I always have to be the one to chase you to show you my affection. And i think it's time for me to give up on you..why do you need me if you don't even accept me." I then stand up and walk beside him trying my best to ignore him.

Garu's POV

This is bad...really bad! Why must I screw everything up when it comes to Pucca?! I thought to myself. "Wait Pucca!" "What do you want now?" "How about we eat some noodles?". Pucca hesitated and she just nodded her head. As we walked out of her room I saw her 3 uncles cooking in the back. Gotta be honest, I love how they make it in a fascinating way. As we were about to sit down to eat I instantly grabbed Pucca's chair, and as she sat down I pushed her chair forward. I sat infront of her. I looked at the menu and ordered some chan-chan noodles, same as Pucca. As our orders came I saw her not eat a single noodle, she looked more paler than last time. "Hey Pucca how about you and me go outside". She looked at me and started walking to her room. I gasped and ran past her infront of her room. "No!" I grabbed her hand and I took her outside. Man I really think Pucca is depressed because of me.. I sat next to her under a tree. She than spoke up in a low voice not sounding like she usually does "Do you ever wonder why sometimes your still alive even tho some people make you happy" I looked at her worried. I than hugged her tight. "Pucca stop saying this nonsense! I'm right here.."

Pucca's POV

Is he this annoying when I don't feel happy?.. I stranded up and I left garu confused and worried. I decided to go mess with Tobe. I mean it's funny pranking him. I kinda hate him too for what he did to me last time. I decided to knock his door. "Knock,knock". He then opened the door and he stared at me saying "Hello flower~" I rolled my eyes and just slapped him. "Don't ever call me that or the next time I won't just slap you". He than grabbed my hand and started kissing it. I just gasped.

Garu's POV

Where is Pucca?! If i don't find her she might harm herself! I then took a second to think of what she likes to do...hmm.. pranking Tobe! I remember me and Pucca would prank him Everyday. I decide to go to his house by jumping roof to roof. As I got there I saw Pucca arguing with Tobe. I couldn't quite tell what they were saying but Pucca rose her voice. I then saw Tobe kiss Pucca's hand. I gasped. That no good ninja is going to get a knuckle sandwich!! . I jumped on top of Tobe and Pucca looked at me surprised. "Oh!...Hey Pucca! I was looking for you!" "Thanks Garu" I looked at Tobe. He looked dead on the floor but I'm pretty sure he's just knocked out. "Hey cheer up Pucca! I'm going to try my best to make you happy! I don't want you to suffer alone! I also heard they are having a carnival today at night time, would you like to go?" I saw her smile and her clothes look brighter than before and she wasn't that pale anymore. "I would love too just make sure Tobe doesn't ruin the fun." "Don't worry Pucca I promise. Anyways let's ask Abyo and Ching if they want to come too! The carnival is already open since sunset is happening." I grabbed her hand and we walked to Ching's house. Pucca knocked in her door and she came out "Hey guys! Me and Abyo are just playing cards,anyways what's up?" I looked at Pucca then Ching "We are going to a carnival, you can invite Abyo if you'd like" She then gasped and called Abyo. "Hey pucca how about you walk with Ching while me and Abyo talk about somethings" . She made a "hmph!" Noise and hugged my right arm tight and she did not let go. This kinda made me blush because I actually liked this feeling of her being around me. I remember my exact words I told pucca I promise I will keep you happy no matter what. Abyo made me snap by saying "Garu, are you red?" I looked at him a protested "I'm not! It's just that it's hot out here! Ching says "But it's December.." "Eh! I'm freezing so much I'm turning red! Now come on let's go to the carnival." As we got there and payed for our wristband tickets Abyo and Ching went together on roller coasters while me and pucca played games. I then caught my attention on a big stuffed cat plush. Pucca was looking at it while holding my arm. My arm not my hand. I walked up to the booth. "How many tries for that big stuffed kitty?" The guy responded "you have to hit the targets with darts" I gave him some money and decided to win this. Win it for her. I threw the darts on each target and the guy gave me the big stuffed animal.

I gave it to pucca

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I gave it to pucca. I was hoping to just see a smile at least. I saw her smile and giggle. I blushed at her cute laugh. She then holds the stuffed cat in one arm while the other hugs me. I smiled at her . I looked at the sugar section and I saw some cotton candy. I grab the blue one and I gave her a pink one. While we were eating our cotton candy we decide to go to the Feris wheel. When we got inside I decided to ask forgiveness from pucca. "Pucca" "Yes Garu?" "I'm very sorry about hurting you and your feelings, I never really realized I make you this upset when I try to get away from you, can you please forgive me? I promise to make you happy everyday" she looked at me and smiled. "I forgive you, just please don't ever avoid me, you are the person who makes me the happiest. Also I thank you for the Stuffed cat and the cotton candy" I than scratched my head and said "Your welcome" as we got down from the feris wheel we met with Abyo and Ching. Ching had a big stuffed teddy bear while Abyo had a giant gummy bear. Abyo spoke up "Ah! Garu! I see you made pucca happy again! Anyways me and Ching are going to have a sleepover together. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy sleeping!".

Pucca's POV

Today was an amazing day. Turns out Garu does care about me it's Just that he was shy to admit it or he would act like he wouldn't care. But I guess now he has confidence.. as I was about to wave Garu goodbye he catches up to me and stands infront of me holding his hands together "Do you mind if we have a sleepover in your house?" I looked at Garu and told him "okay! But just don't sleep next to me, I'll get you a mattress." As we walked home and I opened the door I saw my 3 uncles worried. "Pucca where were you?!" "I was at the carnival with Garu! He won me a stuffed cat and we both got cotton candy! Anywho me and garu are having a sleepover" as I was walking to my room my uncles looked at Garu and then me "Be safe you 2 and have a good sleep" I nodded at them and I grabbed Garu's hand this time which made him red and awkward. I than put the extra mattress on the side of my bed where I could see him. "Hey Garu can I show you something before I sleep?" As I said that I putted my stuffed cat next to me. "Yea Pucca" I then gave him a small kiss on his cheek and he jumped up real high and hit his head on the ceiling and came back down. "Sorry I'm just not used to kisses.." he was fully red. I just smiled. "Don't worry silly let's just go to bed!" I jumped on top of my bed and covered myself in blankets. I looked down and I saw Garu getting under his blanket and getting comfortable. "Good night Pucca" "Goodnight Garu" and we Drifted to sleep.

Hello guys! Anyways I hoped you liked this long chapter I did. Note that in this Story Garu and Abyo are 16 while Pucca and Ching are 14. Anyways I will try to post a new chapter as soon as I can. Anyways ciao! 💕 ~ Lizzy

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