Breaking down

13 4 1

She hides herself behind a wall
Always protecting her insides
She looks so strong
But on the inside shes breaking down,breaking down,breaking down
Yeah shes breaking down
Her past haunts all her memories
The trauma breaks her easily
Save her now, save her now!!
But shes breaking down, breaking down
Her lies don't match the look on her face
The strength is fading anyway
She can't battle anymore
Cause' shes breaking down
It doesn't matter anymore her life was always rotting away
Cause now shes breaking down breaking down
She thinks that no one cares
But broken souls like her are every where
Searching how to deal with the pain
holding the pain in is worst
Don't let them consume your world
I know you're breaking down,you're breaking down it doesn't matter if you believe you're weak
because you will always be my shining star
no matter what i will shine for you the way you shined for me, shined for me, shined for me
I will guide you through the rough times no matter what happens
Cause shes breaking down, breaking down
She begs for the pain to go away 
But the only way to stop the pain is to fight,fight,fight
fight,fight,fight against those demons
haunting your sleep show them you don't believe their lies
So try,try,try
You might feel alone but i will be there for you.
She broke down for the last time
not listening to my advice she is now unable to stop the pain even after taking her life away the pain doesn't wash away.

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