The war rages on

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She awoke and snarled as her fur puffed up. Shadow Lucario was an illusion but still alive at the same time and had attacked her as well as betraying her in the dream she had. It was the only way they could communicate and he had betrayed her as well as Brandon himself. When IceFox awoke, Brandon was no where to be found. IceFox closed her eyes and put her left paw on her chest. She sensed where Brandon was and dragged him out from where he was. She screamed in his face, intimidating him. "YOU BETRAYED ME YOU SELFISH BASTARD!" IceFox screamed. Brandon had turned against her and kept believing she was a cheater as well as trying to leak her personal info and hurt her. IceFox unsheathed her icy, razor sharp claws and slashed Brandon's muzzle ALL THE WAY OFF! Brandon's eyes filled with fear and pain; Not being able to speak because his entire muzzle was gone. "CRY YOU DUMB LITTLE FUCKING BABY!" IceFox snarled in his face. Brandon began to cry, helplessly.

IceFox was not finished though. She was still FILLED with rage. IceFox then slashed BOTH of Brandon's eyes out. His eyeballs got stuck on her claws but she sheathed them, causing them to fall off, then unsheathed them again; But IceFox was not done yet. She then slashed off his tail by the root of it. "YOU'RE DAMN FUCKIN' LUCKY I DIDN'T CHOP YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ARMS OR LEGS OFF YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" IceFox yelled loudly. Brandon laid there, ready to die but IceFox kept him alive; Making sure he would not die. She then went to sleep to fight Shadow Lucario also known as Edward. She did exactly what she did to Brandon, to him but did even more damage which involved slashing BOTH his ears off. "DON'T YOU *EVER* FUCK WITH ME, AGAIN!" IceFox screamed at the top of her lungs. She then woke up and snarled at Brandon.

IceFox closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It shocked her by the fact that she had attacked THAT MUCH! As IceFox fell to her knees on the icy ground, guilt consumed her. Deep down, she KNEW they deserved it but couldn't help the fact that what she did was wrong. She began drawing a thug IceFox to take her mind off it but messed up on the chest fur during outlining. She sighed and put her art notebook down; Refusing to continue for now. She grabbed her fox mug and filled it with hot cocoa as well as marshmallows. "I need to calm down." She mumbled, taking deep breaths. IceFox then lay back in her icy bed, sipping on the hot cocoa and began to play pokemon with a close friend named Brent. They had a lot of randomized battles and couldn't stop laughing. For a few turns they got pokemon they hated and encouraged each other to kill it. IceFox smirked and internally laughed. It was only 4 more days until Christmas but IceFox opens presents on the 24th so it was technically only 3 more days until Christmas. 

Mumbling under her breath, IceFox said "I find it so pathetic that others have nothing better to do than bully others on the week of CHRISTMAS!" Sighing again, she went back to focusing on silly pokemon battles with Brent and her other friend named Nate. She was still mad at Edward though since he had broken her and due to that, IceFox deactivated her twitter but made a rt deal with a friend that if his post got 15 rts, she would come back. There are still 3 left but IceFox believes in her friends and knows they can bring her back because they all deeply care about her and love her so very much. That's when the thought hit her. "I forgot to tell Lorixx! Maybe if I tag her, some of her friends and actives will see it then rt too!" IceFox smirked. Lorixx and her had been friends for a year or so and the two were always there for each other even if they didn't talk much. Lorixx was always reliable and IceFox knew that Lorixx would be the one to save her.

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