Audition; Stranger Things S4

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I sat there nervously just fiddling with my fingers. This was my very first audition, I only ever did acting in a school play... not to mention I only had 3 lines. I had no agent and only relied on the fact that the live casting call auditions were being held here in Atlanta Georgia, where I lived. I actually haven't seen any episodes of Stranger things, I heard it was amazing though, according to like everybody.

My number was 167 and right now 165 was called up. I felt my legs jitter due to me being nervous and the fact that I had to pee.

"Come on y/n, you can hold your pee." I said to myself over and over until I had given up, quickly standing up I told Mom that I needed to pee. My thunder thighs ran as fast as possible to find the restroom, once my eyes were laid on a sign that said restroom a huge weight of relief was lifted.
With that I quickly finished my business and decided that I needed to blast back to my chair, my speedy thunder thighs were running until I hit some sort of force... I felt my ass shake as I landed on it.

"Ow." I said in unison with a male voice. My head had looked up to see a dark curly haired boy, his fair skin glowed and his freckles were just the cutest.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt y- No that's okay, kind of my fault as well, I wasn't watching." He had interrupted me, I nodded and examined as he had reached his hand forward, a gesture that he wanted to help me up from the floor. I had taken his kind gesture and thanked him as I dusted myself off.

"I'm Finn." He mentioned while placing his hand out for a shake, I raised my brow and shook his hand back.

"I'm y/n l/n. Woah I just said my last name, is that too weird? I feel like it is, cause like sometimes you never know if someone's super weird and dangerous... they could stalk you since you gave them you're last name and potentially kill you. Not saying that you're weird or dangerous. I mean I wouldn't know. Did you audition for Stranger things yet?" I asked nervously just rambling, his smile had appeared and looked down at his feet, then he looked back up at me.

"Yeah something like that. Well y/n you better get back, I think I heard them call 166." He spoke then looked down at my huge sticker than had 167. My smile had appeared as well and thanked him.

"It was nice bumping into you Finn. I'm sorry about my rambling, I get super nervous when- Okay, never mind, well I hope you get the part you wanted! " I spoke then walked past him, he chuckled.

"You too." He mumbled grinning, I fully turned around and rushed over to my mom. She faced me and started doing breathing exercises,

"Mom. You don't need to do that. - NUMBER 167,
Y/N | L/N . YOU'RE UP. " The guy yelled, my shaky knees had managed to stand me up. My nerves were coming through. I started walking towards the room that was holding the auditions, I faced Mom and saw as she mouthed a 'goodluck'.

I slowly made my way into the audition room and saw a table that had three guys placed at.

"Hello... Y/N | L/N. I'm Matt Duffer, this is my twin, and this guy here is Noah Schnapp. We'll be examining you're audition today. We won't start yet because we're waiting on another guy who just went to use the restroom." Matt explained, I smacked my lips together and stood there awkwardly. Suddenly the doors opened,

"I'm back. I'm ready." Finn spoke then caught my glance.

My eyes had captured who we were waiting on.

"Finn." I numbered under my breath.

Finn POV

I walked over back to my chair and sat down.

"Y/N. Nice to see you again." I mentioned just smiling, she raised her brows. Matt faced me,

"You know Y/N? " he asked curiously, I just nodded and grinned, my eyes still on her, she continued smiling.

"Yeah I know her." I replied. I found it cute that she had no idea who I was, she didn't stop me and ask for a picture or a video shout out. My eyes had focused on her, she was going to start her audition.

"So who are you auditioning for?" Matt asked her, she inhaled then exhaled.

"The new character 'Dolores Isgro." She replied smiling. She then started saying her lines.

"You get me." Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now