Chapter. 3. Scripts

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Narrator POV 

Y/N found the chemistry reads really fun and felt as if she was with family when she was around the cast of ST. Aside from the laughter and small breaks that they had between scenes, Y/N  knew that having this job meant she needed to get down and dirty...this wasn't no horse play. All the cast members and some of the crew followed Y/N on instagram, Twitter, snapchat ect (exchanged phone numbers as well ) which meant that contacting Finn was easy peasy lemon squeezey.


It's been 2 days since the chemistry reads and I was on my laptop just trying to get use to online schooling. Man did I feel stupid, I couldn't even figure out how to change my new laptop's back drop/ home screen.

"Y/N COME DOWN FOR LUNCH! . Eat before we go!" Mom yelled from down stairs, I yelled an 'ok' back and closed my laptop frustrated with online schooling. I stood up and groaned due to me feeling  lazy, I was close to walking out of my room until I heard my phone go off with a notification,

Quickly running over I grabbed my phone and examined what had popped up,

'6 new Instagram notifications'

'Strangerthingslover99 started following you.'

'Ameera taylors started following you.'

'Jyattwins started following you.'

'RichieTrashmouthTozier started following you.'

I then checked my Insta DM's 💖

( Message request from @finnwolfhardoffcial )

I clicked on the message and accepted his request.

Hey clumsy 😂, are you scheduled for the table read today?

Y/n- L/n official:
Yesh yesh I am🤓

Yeah, well after the table read we're all going to Mel's diner so that means you're coming, you can't escape. No running away ☝🏼🖐🏼

Y/n- L/n official: Okay Wolfhard, don't get you're panties in a twist😛 see u soon!

I laughed at his cuteness and placed my phone down. My legs raced down stairs to eat quickly so I could head over for the table read for S4.

Finn POV

I finally arrived with my script and walked into the room where we had the tables set up for the reading, I noticed Gaten and Noah were the only cast members here so far. They were sitting in their spots that had their names placed.

(The order on the table)

David. Winona. Joe. Gaten. Noah. Sadie. Y/n. Finn. Caleb. Millie. Charlie. Natalie. Dacre.

"Yo yo." Noah spoke as I sat down 2 seats away from him and Gaten, I gave them the head nod and looked at who was sitting next to me, 'Y/n & Caleb'.

"Has Y/n messaged you guys on when she's coming?" I asked curiously, Gaten smirked and gave me the raising brows.

"Yeah, she said she would be here in a few minutes, just parking." Gaten replied, I inhaled and exhaled then placed my script on the table.

"I'm here!" A voiced boomed as she walked in, I smirked and raised my brows just staring at Ms. Clumsy. She made her way over next to me and greeted the boys and me.

"You excited Y/n?" Noah asked her, she nodded and clapped her hands in excitement.

"YES. I'm so ready to get my Dolores on." She replied then winked at us. I gulped and faced her, I swear those big y/e/c eyes could hypnotise me... wow Finn, you are seriously crushing on this girl.
Her stare made me nervous...

"Y-You like cheese?" I asked mumbling then smiled, realising how stupid that question was I turned my head away from her direction and faced palm myself.

"Yeah I actually really do like cheese." She replied then leaned back in her chair.

~~~~~~~ short chapter I know. I'll be updating soon though! 💖

"You get me." Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now