Jason got a letter?!?!

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As Alex skipped back into her home, she heard Jason's squeal of joy.
What does he think I did now? Alex voiced her thoughts to be yelled back at. "I got my letter! I got my letter?"
Wide-eyed Alex walked into the room where Jason was yelling from. "You what?!" She couldn't believe it!
Jason laughed at Alex's state of shock.
Jade and James came rushing in the room. "You got your Hogwarts letter?"
James asked.
"No, he got the letter from Drumstrang,"  Alex rolled her eyes.
"Yes," he said ignoring Alex's comment scanned over the letter by the time he reached the end his face fell. "What is it?" Jade asked her son. "I'll be starting as a fist year."
"Hahahahaha!" Alex was in a fit of laughter. "My...Older....Brother...A...Year...... Younger.....Than....Me....In...School!" She had to clutch her stomach so she wouldn't fall over.

"Alex, be nice!" Jade scolded her. She tried to keep a straight face herself.
"If you can't handle the fact that your brother is going to be in the same school as you,  you should go to your room and think why," James said.
Alex walked out of the living room and up to her room.
She was ready to flop onto her bed when she heard a loud screeching noise.
An owl was perched on the edge of her window with a letter tied to it feet. Alex ran over to the owl and in tied the letter. "Finally! Someone has decided to write to me!"
She opened up the letter and read it aloud.

Dear Alex,
Sorry I haven't wrote to you all summer. I really have been missing you. Ron wrote to me telling me that he was going to go to the Dursley's to save Harry, did he write to you as well? I just wrote to Ron(and if Harry was there as well) to see if everyone was OK and if the plan worked.
I'm very busy with school work, but mum and dad are taking me to Diagon Alley to get my schoolbooks on Wednesday. Why don't the four of us meet up then?
Love from Hermione.

The first thing Alex did was gasp. How in the world did Hermione find any school work to do. We were on vacation!
Alex just got Jason to do it, it was much easier to it that was, and Jason was more than willing to do it for her.


Wednesday came quick for Alex, she could hardly wait to scare the wits out of the boys. Her and Hermione had worked out the perfect prank. 
The four of them would go to the joke shop, and Alex would insist that Harry buys a box of chocolate frogs. Alex had taught Hermione a little America magic that she could use to charm the frogs to attack the boys.

"Alex, we need to get going!" Jade yelled up to Alex's room. "Coming!" She yelled back.
"No yelling in the house!" The two girls heard James yell. "Would you all stop yelling! I'm trying to figure out how to cheat myself into year 2!" Jason yelled, making us all fall quiet.
Jason didn't have nearly enough street smarts to figure out how to do that.

Soon, all the Russo's were in the living room. "Jason, on three, I want you to think of diag-" James began to speak but Alex cut him off. "I could do it dad," she batted her eyelashes. "Just someone take us to diagon Alley!" Jade stated slightly frustrated over Alex interrupting.  "Fine. Do it." Alex spat at her brother. Jason looked smug. "On the count of three I want you to picture diagon Alley. And say, 'Diagon Alley Transporto!'" Jason nodded at his father, who was already counting. Alex let go of her family and did her own thing.
Her family vanished out of thin air, and Alex strained her short term memory to remember what the spell was.
"Knockto Alley Transporto!" She said thinking clearly of the creepy old shop she had seen last year.

"Off!" Alex landed on a cold stone floor of a dark shop.
She slowly stood up to see a boy about her height and platinum blonde hair.
"Malfoy?" She wondered aloud. His head jerked around to see what he had heard, Alex moved out of sight hid behind a old dirty looking cabinet.
Alex finally turned her head around to see why she was hearing her name.
"Harry?" The raven haired boy nodded he put a finger to his lips indicating that Alex should be quite. 

Harry's face was all scotty and his glasses were yet again broken. He looked like he just fell out of a fire place.

Alex rolled her eyes quick to ask him why he was there.

He must have done something stupid.
Yet again.

"The Weasly's wanted to use the Flo network to get here, and I landed in the wrong spot."
"Flo what?" She questioned.
"You lost me at Flo network." She added.
"I donno really, ask the Weasley's when we find them." He whispered. He moved so he was right behind me, the space was really tight.  Once Harry noticed how close they were, he turned beet red.

Oh how she couldn't wait to get out of here...

** Just to be clear I would like to tell you that the first chapter was right after she left Kings Cross station the previous year. This chapter is at the end of summer  again.

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