Jason's Sorting

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**Yello everyone!!!
Just wanted to point out the book cover above! That cover is for a book I started a while back. That book doesn't have many reads, but I used that book to promote this one. So I'm gonna use this one to promote that one. This had many more read. It's a fiction novel, and I think many people would enjoy it so please go ahead and read that! 
If you do read it, I hope you love it and read all of it! Let me know if you do!

Also, (the covers will be posted on the next chapter,) I am going to be starting 2 new books on January 1st. One is a questions book, being updated daily, and the other will be a fiction, With some Royalty and Romance, which will be updated every week.
I will now let you read what you came to read,
Ps. Merry Christmas!


"When did you guys come into my compartment?"
"Well, your charm must have worn off. I do like what you did there, you have to teach me sometime." Hermione paused.
"You were asleep and the trolly was coming. Me and Ron went to go get some snacks. Harry insisted on staying with you. When we got back, you were in his lap."

The information sunk quickly for Alex. She was confused.
Harry moved her onto his lap?
She rolled her eyes and brushed it off.

Well... he did blush when she got up and looked at him.

No. He couldn't be into her.

They were twelve.

Alex tried not to think of his green eyes.

"Alex?" Hermione snapped in her face. "Mum?" Alex opened her closed eyes.
"The sorting has begun. If I'm right,"

"Which you alway are," Alex muttered. Hermione glared. "Continue," was the only thing she said.
"As I was saying, your brother should be one of the first, first years to be called up."

Alex silently praised it wouldn't be Grifindor. Anything but her house.
She would not have Jason ruin her well built reputation now.

"Bon-Ham, Hailey!"
A short red headed girl waddled up and sat on the old stool.
She got off and smiled brightly moving towards the Hufflepuff table.

"Wolfheart, Mason!"
This raven haired boy hopped of the stool and walked past Alex. He winked at her and sat down at the table.

The list continued on and on,
Alex blocked them out until she heard her brothers name.
"Russo, Jason!"

Alex's ears perked up.

He ran to the hat with a bright smile on his face.

Alex rolled her eyes.
'Just say some dumb house already!'

The hat just sort of sat there. It was like it wasn't the dirty old taking hat that put her in Grifindor last year.

She heard George, or maybe it was Fred, clutching their stomachs, trying to hide a laugh.

"What did you do?" Alex glared at the boys.
"What did we do Fred?"
"Nothing much George."
"I wonder why Alex looks like she wants to kill you two?"
Ron added that last bit in.
"Come on Georgette, should we tell him?"
"Yes, I do believe our dear younger brother deserves to know."
"Don't. You. Dare. I can send you to Mars." Alex warned. 
The twins looked at each other.
"So? What happened?"
Alex glared at Ron.

"Non of your damn  business."

Professor McGonagall picked the hat off his head and turned it around expecting it to say something.


"Mr. Weasley... please come to the front. Both of you."

She walked up to Dumbledore and spoke quietly.

The twins got out of their seat and to the two teachers.

Both put an arm around each twin.

"All Weasley products are ban from now on." Dumbledore said.

"Un charm this right now!"
Professor McGonagall held up the card and shoved it into George's hand.

Fred waved his wand muttered a few words and we all heard the hat sign.

The crowds chatter began once again.

The twins were dragged away by Snape. Probably being threatened to expoltion.

Jason sat back on the stool, and the hat was placed on his head.


Alex smiled. Hermione looked questionable. "Why are you in Grifindor if he's in Ravenclaw?"

Alex shrugged. "Who cares? It just means I'll be separated from him."

Alex Russo and the Chamber of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now