Keep it secret

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              You yawned and woke up to the sound of clicking. You groaned and snuggled into the sheets. Wait,... the sheets were breathing. IT WAS A HUMAN, YOU WERE IN BED WITH A HUMAN. Your eyes shot open and your face turned red as you looked at a sleeping Dexter next to you. You looked down, and sighed in relief, moving the covers off careful not to wake Dexter up. You heard the clicking again and turned around to see Cedar, up early, taking pictures of you and Dexter. "Cedar!', you half yelled, careful not to wake Dexter up. She giggled and showed you here phone, "You guys just look hexellent together", she said happily. You looked at the photos, you and Dexter were snuggling with each other in your sleep, "You can't show this to anyone Cedar", you said. "Why not, you guys are just the cutest and I cannot lie", she said. "We were just sleeping together like friends, just two friends sharing a bed", you said giving a fake small smile. She raised her wooden eyebrow and you sighed, "I didn't want to have to do this", you said. "Do what?", she asked. You waved your hand, "Night night Cedar", you said using your magic to make her instantly fall asleep. You sighed, picking her up and putting her in her bed. You then turned to the now awake Dexter who had messy bed hair. You chuckled sitting on the edge of your bed, kissing his forehead, "Morning". "G-Good morning Y, n", he said stretching, "W-What time is it??". "It's almost sunrise", you said smiling at him. "Oh n-no ", he said removing the covers and sitting up. "What, what's wrong??", you asked. "Professor Papa Bear checks in the boy's dorm rooms in the morning", he said standing up, but kinda being wobbly. You nodded and grabbed his hand, "I got this, just hold on", you said. He put his arm around you and you snapped your fingers and were in the boy's dormitory. He looked at you in amazement and gently kissed your cheek before limping over to his blue covered bed. You smiled, blushing lightly, "So, the same place for lunch?", you asked. He nodded and you waved before snapping your fingers and transporting yourself back to your room. Cedar was still out cold. 

       You grabbed her phone sending yourself one of the pictures before deleting them from her phone. You touched her head lightly and using your magic to remove any memories of you and Dexter dating. You plopped down on your bed, sighing tiredly, just as Professor Momma Bear knocked on the door and barged in, "Good Morning my cubs!', she yelled/roared in a loving manner. You winced and got off your bed, "Good morning Professor Momma Bear", you said to her. She grinned, scaring you a bit, "Time to get up, it's almost time for breakfast", she said before shutting the door. You tapped Cedar, "TIme to get up". She yawned and stretched, "Morning Y, n, ... super strange, I could have sworn I did this already, hm oh well", she said before getting up and brushing her hair. You took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, your hair and put on a new outfit. You hummed a soft tune as you put on some black eyeliner and mixed your eyeshadow into a purplish black. You put a dark red lipstick on and waited for Cedar before walking out of your dorm. You both walked down to the cafeteria before Cedar separated to go with Raven. You got your tray and sat down, alone at a table. You sighed poking at your food and frowning. Dexter was sitting at the table with his brother and all the other important male characters. You both locked eyes for a second before you turned away. "Brother, what are you staring at?", Daring asked Dexter, looking away from his mirror for a second.  "Uhm,... n-nothing, just l-lost in a t-thought", he said turning away from you. Ever so desperately he wanted to be sitting next to you. "You need to stop being such a brainiac, it scares away the ladies", Daring said looking back into his reflection before flashing his famous smile at some nearby princesses. Dexter looked down and you felt dark purple flames form around you due to anger, how could Dexter's brother say something like that? You used your magic to subtlely flicked a wad of the cold pea slug on your plate at Daring, getting it on his sparkling white coat. He yelled in horror, "MY JACKET ITS RUINED, WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!", he screamed before running out of the cafeteria. You quietly snickered to yourself as did Dexter and a few others. A girl in a red hood walked over to your table, "I-Is it okay if I uh, I sit with you", she asked in a quiet husky voice. "Long time no see Cerise, of course, you can sit with me, you know you're always welcome", you said, giving her a small polite smile. She grinned slightly and sat down, putting her tray opposite to yours, "How's life?", she asked. You shrugged, "It's alright, I mean my life just consists of letting my sister shine and have her space, what about you?", you asked poking your breakfast, suddenly not interested in it anymore. She shrugged. "How long did your parents say you had to keep it secret? ", you asked. "Forever, but I'm glad I have someone to talk to about it", she said looking at you. You gave a comforting look back, "I still think they make you look awesome", you said, poking your food once more. Cerise blushed lightly, "Thanks, I'm glad you like them", she said embarrassedly. You smiled once more, understanding her pain of feeling like an outcast. You quickly hid the smile as one of the teachers walked by. 

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