Bad Apple

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         Lunch couldn't come soon enough for you. You snuck out and used your magic to transport you there. You walked towards a picnic cloth filled with delicious snacks and sandwiches. You smiled and looked at Dexter who had a bouquet of purple and black "Dex?', you asked causing him to jump up in fright and almost fall into the enchanted lake. You grabbed him before he fell in causing him to fall on top of you, instead of in the lake. You felt a light blush dust your cheeks as a dark red blush formed on his, "Sorry, so sorry!", he exclaimed, quickly getting of you and helping you up. "It's alright Dex", you said chuckling. "oh uh, here are some flowers", he said hastily handing you the flowers. You smiled and accepted the flowers, sniffing them before sitting down with Dex on the blanket. He handed you one of your favourite sandwiches. You gladly took it and devoured it, "How did you know that was my favourite?", you asked. He chuckled while scratching the back of his neck, "I just did some research", he said bashfully. You smiled at him and fed him a small cupcake he had brought. He bit it and as he did you quickly bit the other half so that your lips met. His eyes widened and he became a stuttering mess. You giggled, feeling your confidence boost a bit as you parted. You both fed each other sweets and gazed at the lake. 

       Time seemed to slow when you were with Dexter like nothing else mattered. "Dex?", you asked as you leaned your head on his. "Y-Yeah?', he asked, kind of playing with your hair. This thought had been gnawing at your head as soon as you realised you liked Dexter, "What are we going to go when Legacy day comes?", you asked. You could feel him stiffen, "I'm not sure", he said looking down, "it's crossed my mind before". You sighed, "If our destinies are different, we... we won't be able to be together", you said as you intertwined your hand with his. He stood silently before speaking once more, "What if... what if we didn't follow the story?", he asked. You sat up and looked at him, "You mean to go off script?", you asked. "ah n-nevermind, it was a silly idea", he said blushing a little and looking down. "No no it wasn't... To be honest, I've thought of that too. I mean your a hexcellent prince, but I'm not too good at being bad", you said. He looked down, "You really think I'm good at being a prince?", he asked. You nodded, "Of course, you're great at it", you said giving a comforting smile. He must have been put down by his brother, like always. You both were going to say more but the alarm on your mirror phone went off, which meant the period was over. You dusted your skirt off and helped Dexter up, teleporting you and him back to the front of the school. You kissed his cheek and let go of his hand as the students began to drift back into the building. 


             The day was finally done, you were in your dorm room, putting the flowers Dexter gave you into a vase. You were amazed that they didn't shrivel up as flowers usually did when you touched them. It put a warm feeling in your heart.  Cedar suddenly interrupted your thoughts as she walked in. But she wasn't alone, Apple was with her. Great. You rolled your eyes and continued to tend to your flowers before retiring to your bathroom. As you brushed your teeth, your thoughts couldn't help but wonder to Dexter. He was just so cute and smart. His adorable way of fanboying over tech and how he could fix things easily and quick. He was so sweet and caring. Another thought crossed your mind, however, why did he like you?. You spit out the mouthwash and looked in the mirror, frowning a little. What was the real reason he liked you?. Yo wiped your face and went outside to see Apple going through your sketchbook, causing instant flames to appear around you. You used your magic to snatch your sketchbook out of her hands and bring it back to you. Hugging it protectively to your chest, you looked at her angrily, "Privacy is a thing princess!", you said angrily. Cedar giggled, "Easy Y, n she just wanted to talk to you and admire your drawings", she explained. Apple's smile widened even more, "Cedar could we have some private time?", she asked sweetly. Cedar nodded and left. As Apple shut the door she turned to you, "Those were very skilled and interesting drawings, very detailed", she said as she sat on cedars bed. You eyed her suspiciously, "Yeah so what? Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I can't draw", you said. She aggressively but gently took the book, " I especially am interested in this one picture", she said flipping through the pictures, but stopping on one. Your eyes widened, but you composed yourself. It was the picture you drew of Dexter. "What's so interesting about it? I just drew a classmate, if you look, I drew cedar too", you covered. She narrowed her eyes, her smile still there. "I know but, those sheets in the picture look so familiar and he looks like he is sleeping. To draw someone so well sleeping, you must have had an upclose model", she said. 

       You huffed, "What are you trying to get at?", you asked annoyed. "There's something going on between you and Dexter right?", she asked. You bit your tongue to not show any emotions to what she just said,"What the hex gave you that idea?", you asked snatching the book away once again. "You always stare at him and you both disappear at lunchtime", she said. "I go outside because princesses, such as yourself, annoy me with all your talking", you snapped back. "Are you being so mean because now you want to be evil or is it because I asked you to help me with one little thing?", she asked, moving a piece of perfect blonde hair behind her ear. "Both", you growled, "And like I said before, you don't scare me and I'm not going to kneel to you and take care of all your problems", you said getting in her face. "Then I know you wouldn't mind my speaking to the headmaster on the issue of dating, since your not guilty", she said right back. You growled even more, "Get out right now", you said darkly. She seemed unfazed, "Now your upset because I'm right, like usual", she said with a triumphant smile. Your aura burned a darker purple as you went closer to her, "You better leave or my sister will not be the one to almost kill you", you growled, "And if you think this is some sort of way to blackmail me, you're crazy". She narrowed her eyes, but smiled and walked to the door, "It was so nice to talk to you", she said before opening the door and walking out. You slammed the door shut as soon as she left and grabbed your pillow, screaming into it. Your anger caused the lights to go out in your room. You groaned and threw the pillow down and snapped your fingers, fixing the lights. 

      You sat on your bed, falling onto the bed. Why did Apple always want to pick a fight with you? Why can't she let you just be happy? You closed your eyes, maybe you weren't meant to be happy. Ugh! Your head hurt with all the overthinking you were doing. Cedar came back in, "Hey Y, n", she said before going into the bathroom to change into her pajamas. You hoped Apple shut her big mouth for once and didn't say anything to  Cedar. She came out of the bathroom and cleaned up all her paints before jumping onto her bed, "You okay?", she asked. You nodded, "Just tired", you lied going under the covers. "Oh, same, it's been one hex of a day", she said yawning and going under the covers her bed as well. You snapped your fingers and shut off the lights. As you went under the covers, you took your Mirrorphone out to see you had a text from Dexter, it read,"goodnight my princess". You smiled, your mood getting a little better as you texted him back, "goodnight my prince". He sent a heart, "Sleep well". "You too", you texted back before hiding your phone under your pillow. All the events of the day melted into dreams of you being exposed. Let's just say it was a long night for you, and the sudden occurring pain in your lower stomach did not make things easier. You hoped it wasn't what you thought and left it alone. You eventually you did fall asleep...

Hey my puffles, sorry for the slow updates.  I love you all so much. Please vote and comment. I hope you all had an amazing day. Stay safe and if you have any suggestions please tell me. You're all beautiful, amazing, unique and worth it. I hope you liked the chapter, sorry that it's short. Byee

-Mama Puffle


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