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    "I LOVE this song!" Cara shouted as she turned up the volume.

    Her parents chuckled as her dad casually remarked, "We're going to go deaf, Cara, for God's sake,"

    Cara shrugged. "It's my birthday after all," she said, ignoring her parents' sighs. It was snowing in New York, and Cara was so excited for her sixteenth birthday that she demanded they all go to her favourite restaurant. Meanwhile beside her, her thirteen-year-old brother, Jace, was fast asleep.

    Jace groggily opened his eyes. "Jesus, turn down the volume, will you? Cara?"

    "I just want to be part of your symphonyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~" Cara ignored her brother's protests as she belted out Symphony, her favourite song thus far.

    December was Cara's favourite month. Not only was it snowing, but it was also her birthday. Cara smiled in glee like a small child as she watched the snow fall onto the ground, wishing she could just run about in the open. But food was more important.

    "Jace, it's your sister's birthday, respect her wishes," her father faked a stern look, but the sparkle of humour every-present in his dark eyes.

    "Exactly, Jace," Cara scolded playfully, "remember your tenth birthday? You kept whining that you wanted to eat my cake." Cara pouted, remembering. "I still gave it to you," she said proudly.

    "Yeah, yeah," Jace grumbled, "but you stole Marvin's piece."

    Her phone rang, and Cara smiled as she saw Marvin's message. Speak of the devil. Marvin was her childhood friend, and he was always there for her. Obviously, he wouldn't have forgotten Cara's birthday. If he did, Cara would beat it into his annoyingly smart and wise head.

    "Dad, look at this joke, you're going to love it." Cara wheezed through her laughter. Her dad always made lame dad jokes and ended up as the only one laughing at his own joke. Her mother was more quiet and wise, but her smiles could light up any day at any time, like today.

    Her dad looked at her through the rearview mirror and smiled. "Go on,"

    "How does NASA host a party? They--"

    Suddenly, bright lights flashed at Cara and she shielded her eyes, before a crash sounded and Cara felt her body jerk forward involuntarily. Screams filled the car as Cara shut her eyes, and her heart beat erratically as she felt her entire body get thrown around by a rag doll, the only thing keeping her back her safety belt. Screams filled her ears, pounding in her head.

    Then, silence.

    "Mom...? Dad...?" Her lips formed the words but no sound seemed to come out.

    Cara felt numb all over. She lifted a hand to her head, and found it come away sticky, a warm fluid gushing over it. Her brain didn't even get to register anything before she turned her head--yes, it was painful--to find Jace with his eyes closed. She wanted to go over to him, but she was too tired to do so.

    Warm hands gently unbuckled her safety belt, and Cara slumped forward, feeling herself give in to the darkness.
Hello non-existent readers
    How was prologue

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