Part Twenty-One

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Louis woke up with a crick in his neck from Harry's arm being his pillow all night. He turned over to face the green eyed kid and tucked a curl away from his eyes. Louis kissed his nose lightly then shimmied out of his hold and the blankets. It was a much finer obstacle then the movies made it look.

Harry groaned and rolled over, ignoring the cold spot on the bed and falling back into a deeper sleep. Louis walked downstairs seeing it was barely six O'clock and decided to get some coffee. He hummed lightly to himself as he prepared the brew.

"Did he ever take my advice?" Gemma cooed from the kitchen table. Her laptop in front of her and her reading glasses on. She slipped them off to look at Louis while rubbing the brim of her nose. She'd been up since four trying to finish this poem for high paying job downtown.

"Who? H? On what?" Louis said, startled by her presence. he grabbed his cup of coffee and sipped it before regretting it as it blistered his tongue. Gemma got up from her spot on the table and walked over to the bar.

"He told me about you and how you get under his skin and how you make him so angry all the time. He said you're a total pest." Gemma said while cocking her head lightly. Louis was taken back with her words she had just informed him with. He wondered if Harry had truly felt that way and if so, was last night all a dream?

"Well he's no angel himself. Leaving his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and never picking up his dishes or cleaning them till they mold. Yuck." Louis said while sitting his coffee down.

"Hey, before we get on a spree of what we don't like about my brother just know this. If he didn't secretly like you or want you around, you'd be gone no matter what. He could give two shits about those tattoos of what the capital has to say about his life. You're still here because, despite being a pest to him, he likes you in some way. Hold on to that, okay? My brother doesn't like many people." Gemma said while grabbing her laptop and glasses.

Louis was left a little speechless as she walked upstairs. Gemma was young but she had the words of a wise woman who had lived beyond her years. Louis finished his coffee and then went to sit by the window, looking out onto the road and counting every white car that passed and making a wish on every yellow one.

"How long have you been up? The bed started to get a bit chilly." Harry said in his scruffy morning voice that Louis enjoyed hearing. Louis looked over at him and smiled.

"I suppose about an hour. Had some coffee and chatted with Gemma for a bit before settling here." Louis moved his legs so Harry could sit with him. Harry took a deep breath and looked at Louis and then back to the stairs.

"Do you hear that?" Harry whispers while leaning in and listening to the noise coming from upstairs. Louis leans in with him and tilts his ear upward.

"What?" Louis says after hearing nothing but silence.

"That's the bed telling us to come back. It's cold." Harry chuckled while grabbing Louis' hand and following him. Louis began to see a side of Harry he never really could imagine himself seeing. It was the goofy side of Harry, the fun side that came with the relationship that hopefully blossomed from this. Harry had many sides but Louis knew in this moment, this was the Harry he liked the most because this was the Harry that was closest to being himself.

He wasn't being asshole Harry where he'd make a snide remark to piss you off and then laugh when you'd attempt to say something back. This wasn't being closed off Harry where he'd shut you out because he'd rather forbid himself talk about his feelings then to ever open up to you. This isn't sad Harry where he's on the brim of tears with each word you or him would speak. This wasn't him being angry Harry where he'd punch anything in the room except for you because he knows that no matter how angry he is he wouldn't hurt you. No, this isn't those Harry's; this is the real Harry just being himself. 

Harry climbed into bed while pulling Louis in next to him, the cold blankets resting on top of them as their legs intertwined. Louis looked into Harry's eyes, searching for something and finding everything. Louis leaned in just as Harry did, connecting their lips in a strong way.

"Did you know, I had the biggest crush on you for over a year?" Louis said quietly. Harry looked down at him and smiled.

"Really? Why? I'm not special." Harry chuckled while leaning back against the pillow. Louis cradled his neck softly while resting his hand on his chest.

"You'd come into the bookstore every five days to a week and get a new book. Each time you choose a book, I'd go to the back and get the same copy just so I could see what you were reading and I'd read it too. At first it was just me using your intellects for a way to pick out new books for me to read, then I developed a crush and then a liking and here we are." Louis said while smiling at what life had given him.

"Yeah, here we are." Harry said in a whisper. He began to look what he had done, from the kissing to the cuddling to here. Harry started to fear the worse and suddenly, he regretted everything. He wish he hadn't let himself get caught in the moment. Louis glanced at Harry but he avoided eye contact. Harry pulled himself out of bed and untangled his legs from Louis'.

"I think we should head home." Harry said while running his hands through his hair and digging through his bag. He knew it was early but the sooner they left the sooner he could leave this moment in the past. Louis felt that the air had changed around them, it's like the real Harry had just vanished and here he was left with a confused ghost.

After they had packed, Louis ran out to get some donuts with Ashton while Gemma and Harry made some coffee at the house. Gemma rambled on about how Ashton is so dreamy and perfect and she honestly couldn't ask for anyone better, not that Harry cared. He was happy that she was happy but his mind wasn't on her perfectly drawn out life; it was on his poorly sketched out life.

"He even wants to help choose the flowers for the wedding and he occasionally texts me on food ideas. He thinks we should do Chinese buffet but I was thinking-"

"I kissed Louis last night." Harry blurted, biting his lip while staring intensely at the tile. One arm wrapped around himself while the other laid it's elbow across as his hand fiddled with his lip. Gemma's head turned around but Harry didn't take his eyes off the floor.

"That's good, right? You finally know what you want and if it's him then I support it H. Oo we could totally have back to back weddings and..." Gemma began to ramble on about how they should share a wedding but Harry knew that's not where this was going. He turned and looked at her.

"I want to take it back Gem, I shouldn't have kissed him. I'm not into guys and I never will be. That's why I have to go through with getting this shit thing on my arm removed. This is going to hurt him and I feel like a total ass." Harry said while pulling at his own hair.

"Oh-" Was all that managed to leave Harry's sister mouth before Louis and Ashton walked in with donuts. Harry avoided Louis by grabbing his jacket and walking outside. Louis frowned and Gemma just shrugged before indulging in the chocolate donuts.

Harry sat down outside in the backyard, fiddling with the grass and wrapping strands around his finger. He looked through the kitchen window, watching Louis laugh with his sister. He didn't understand why he felt so bipolar about this situation. One minute he wants to kiss Louis and protect him, the next minute he's quite willing to slam his fist into his face if it wasn't for the different sizes between them. Harry had no clue what he was going to do but he did know one thing while stared into the kitchen window; no one has ever been able to get along with his sister the way Louis does.

((Hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years <3))

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