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Lying spent on crumpled sheets, their entwined bodies rubbing against each other's sweat, he remained inside her for a while. Slowly he raised his face to look at her watery eyes, matching his.

Claiming her lips, he whispered, "I love you. So much. I can't imagine my life without you".

"You've said that many times. I believe you. And I love you, too." In her sweetest signature caress, she held his face and sealed her declaration with a kiss.

They stayed like that for a few more minutes, exchanging words, scents, touches and kisses, savoring yet another rare intimate moment.

"Shower? Together?" Smiling giddily, she gestured at his invitation.

Cradling her in front, his left hand held her tighly around the waist while the other hand checked the water temperature.

Under the rainshower, his gaze never left hers, while his hands explored every inch of her flawless skin.

"Gaahh, I can't get enough of you. Sorry if I hurt you."

"Honesly, I'm sore," she mumbled shyly. "But no, you didn't hurt me. I feel ecstatic with a capital R."

He couldn't hide his grin. "And you are exquisite with a capital M."

"Hashtag virginnomore!" She singsonged, her tone could not deny that awkard feeling.

"Ei, it's also my first time to make love."

Inching closer, he removed her hands clasped on his nape and placed it on top of his manhood. "Happy monthsary." Gently, his lips touched hers and whispered, "Your gift," while he guided her fingers down to his possession.

He felt her sudden tensed reaction, so he moved his left hand to stroke her mound, slowly, tenderly down to her most senstive part. "I'm all yours, and you, mine."

Losing her sanity over this heated passion, she only managed a nod and an endearing smile.

"So, where's my monthsary gift?"

"Oh, you just rode in it!" She said in her most teasing voice.

His laughter resonated around the glass-walled shower room. "Ready for yet another test drive?" His lips, his eyes, his hands revealed of luscious wanting.

"Are you all geared up?" .

"Sus, kanina pa!" Hurriedly, he carried her back to the bedroom, nearly tripping twice.

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