The Invite

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"Poppy!" a brunette male called behind the crimson red haired girl. I looked back at him with a smile,"Hey, Todd! What are you doing here?" He shrugged. There was a five second silence that seem to last forever.
"Well it was nice seeing you." I said to break the silence. Todd nodded, ruffling his chocolate hair. His bright green eyes filling with wonder.
"Hey. Me and a couple of my friends were actually going to go to this, what they say, a haunted house. Wanna come? Just text me if you do, and I'll pick you up."
"Where is it?" I asked.
"In pretty sure it's that old mansion on Swift Street." I nodded in agreement and walked away to continue shopping.
An hour later, I  was home. I picked up my iPhone 6 and called my boyfriend, Brian Lintin. I brought the phone to my ear and waited. He finally picked up,"Hey, Brian! Um, I ran into Todd today in Wal-Mart and he wants me to go on a ghost investigation with his weird friends. So if you want to come, we can make it a date."
"Okay, I'll come. Just don't let them have the camera up in my face, Okay? Love you, see you later. Text me when it is time."
        I waited until it was dark. Todd called right at nine thirty. My phone rang and showing that it was a group call Todd made. I sighed and answered.
"Hey guys!" I manage to greet.
"Hey we are on our way!" One of his friends said. A coal, black hair and green eyes.
"Okay, but Brian is coming with us, so I'll show you where he lives." I declared.
"Alright, driving up your driveway." Todd announced. I hung up as the lights of the car filled the darkness of the living room. I put my phone in my jacket and opened my door, locked the door. I waved at the group in the car awkwardly. I went to the right back seat of the tiny car. A coal, black hair and green eyes sat in the front passenger seat. That must be Todd's brother.
"Hey there, little lady." A man with blonde hair and brown eyes greeted.
" The name's Poppy!" I glared into his eyes to warn him to not to try anything.
"Dylan, be nice to our guest. Plus, she already has a boyfriend. It's not like you'll have a chance. So tell me where Brian's house, then we'll be on our way!" Todd said as Dylan crossed his arms and pretended to be angry.
I showed them the directions to go. We finally got there. I saw Brian there with his black hair and brown eyes. He waved and opened the car door beside me. I jumped out to let him in the middle. After he did, I sat in the seat where I was sitting earlier, near the window.
      Brain's expression told me that he was already tired of this. The car backed up l, hitting a near by trashcan. Brian sighed and hit his palm on his forehead. Todd nerrvously laughed.
"Well, at least no angry grandma is yelling at us." Todd tried to look for an excuse. I tried to hold my laughter as a snort escaped me. Brian looked at me, smiled, and rolled his eyes.

-----------------------10 minutes later--------------------

      We arrived at an old mansion looking house. It was lost and abandoned in the wooded area. The house was made out of bricks. The house had miss on it and the wooded, rotting door almost of it's hinges. I hesitated to open the car door. When Brian nudged me to get out, I flinched a bit and opened the door.
Todd's crew set up all of their investigation things. Things to an EMF to Spirit Boxes. Todd held up is camera and started to record.
      Kazumi just stood there, staring at the house. He suddenly snapped into reality, turning around to see Todd and his camera in his face.
" And this here is Kazumi!" He says, then suddenly Todd turned around with a smirk and whispered into his camera. "He tries to act cool in front of my cousin. I think he likes her, but she already has a boyfriend."
      I blushed a bit when he whispered it. Todd walked up to Brian and put the camera in his personal space. Brian tried to push him away.
"Todd! What the heck? Get that thing out of my bubble!" Brian childishly whined. I chuckled which encouraged Todd to continue.
"Not until you say who you are! Pwety pwease?" Todd played. I laughed more. Todd and Brian looked at each other and started laughing how immature they werre acting. Todd walked to the investigation items, and told Dylan and Kazumi what to do and what to hold.
      Since Kazumi is the 'cool one', he gets to hold the Spirit Box and a ritual book written in a foreign language. Dylan held the EMF and a weird machine that maps skeletal bodies, including yourself (like the one in Ghost Adventures, but I can't remember the name of it).
      Todd obviously holds the camera and a specialized looking voice recorder. Todd looked at Brian and I. I know that look; he wants us to do something for the investigation.
"Can you two at least do ONE thing?" He asked. Brian and I looked at each other.
"Do you want to Brian?" I asked. He sighed.
"Sure. Todd, what do you want is to do?" Brian asked lazily. Todd then picked up from the folding table, behind the car, a marker and wires. He then brought out about five cameras. I looked at them curiously.
"I want Brian to hook up these cameras when we go in there and Poppy, when we are ready, you can draw this symbol." He says pointing at the symbol on the red marker.
      I felt a feeling of worry.
"Are you sure that's safe? What are you guys doing? Conjuring up a demon?" I asked fearfully. Todd nodded.
"Yep!" He replies with full confidence.
"That's really stupid! If I die, I'm going to haunt you and make you suffer." I say.
      Todd only rolled his eyes and continued to what he was doing. Todd was a careless, immature man. He never learns his lesson when he mingle with things. I felt a wave of uncomfortableness wash over my body. A feeling like somebody is watching you. A feeling that you were trespassing on private property. Brian wrapped his arms around my waist which made me flinch and snap back into reality.
"Love you, Pop." He said kissing me on the top of my head. The nickname he used for me made me blush from embarrassment.
"I... I love you too." I say back turning around and nuzzling into his chest.

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