A Broken Family

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        All of us hesitated to go in the old house. Brian huffed and rolled his eyes. He took my hand and walked in. It was cold, and the atmosphere was... was... I don't know... saying something... Get Out... were the words that filled my head. Brian sensed the offensive feeling in the air. He clutched into my hand more. I looked at him with worryingly eyes. I'm worried.
"Are you okay, my love?" I ask. He looked at me with the same expression I have him, worry and fear.
"Something about this place gives me the hibee jibies.." he says childishly. I giggled. He smiled. There was a slight knock on the old door. I jumped and looked back. I huffed and glared at the one and only Dylan.
"Are you love birds gonna make out now~?" He joked. I growled and started towards him, but Brian stopped me from hurting him.
        Brian set the backpack on the floor and kneeled beside it. He opened it and placed the cameras beside him, he then looked at the now coming in boys then at me.
"Could you please untangle these strings?" He requested. I nodded
       I sat beside him and stared to untangle the first camera wires. Brian isn't that well with untangling items. Brian watched as I could see in the corner of my eye that he was blushing due to the embarrassment. I grinned which made him huff and turn his face away.
        I finished untangling the wires. I popped my fingers one by one to relief the aching from all of that. I stood up and stretched. All of a sudden something small but hard hits my head. It makes a loud thump on the wooden paned floor. I turned and looked down. It was the marker Todd told me to use. Brian sighed.
"Todd must want you now. Thanks for.. You know..." he stutters. I kiss him on the head.
"Anytime my love.. now get those cameras set up and I'll see you in a bit.." I say softly. I then pick up the marker and look around for Todd, Dylan, and Kazumi.
"Dylan! Todd! K-kazumi!" I call.
        I reached a room where there was just a book. I thought it was just Kazumi and them doing it without me. When I reach the door frame of the room, oh, how was I was wrong. It was a huge photo gallery.
       I reached down to pick it up. I flipped to the first page. A family. A mother that has brown hair and green eyes. A father that is Asian (I'm not trying to be racist) looks more Japanese. And a toddler black hair and green eyes. I flipped to the next page. A college of pictures was tooken place. A picture contained another family. The mother was the same. The father... looked like Uncle Mark! The same brown hair and hazel eyes. There was the same toddler in the last photo but with a sad expression on his face as a little boy has his arm around the melancholy toddler. It  looked a lot like Todd.
        I went to the page beside it. It contained a piece of paper instead of a photograph. I took the paper out. It was death reports!
Amilia Franz died from suicide. Kazumi Franz died from murder.
Wait, Kazumi? I was shocked. I didn't know how to react. I folded the paper and put it where it came from. I closed the book and carried it along with me. I have some questions to ask Kazumi. As I begin to walk out, the door closes which leaves me scared. I breathed heavily then a creek from behind me knowledged me to know that the closer door was opening. I dared myself to look back. The closet door was completely open.
"Don't go... think about what happens to peiple when they investigate in horror movies," thinking out loud,"they die."
       I didn't listen to myself and I reluctantly walked towards the closet. I flicked the light switch on to see the whole closet filled with photographs of me. If there was a picture with someone in it, their face was crosses out and written with a three letter word: "DIE". I jumped back and ran to the door. Opposite from the horror movies, the door was easy to open.
       I called out for Todd, Dylan, and Kazumi again. This time they answer and I run as fast as I can to them. I finally run into the room they were in, closed the door and leaned against it to catch my breath. Todd stopped what he was doing and looked at me. Kazumi was trying to ignore me, his whole expression changed into a horrific one when he saw the photo book in my hands.
"Are you okay, Poppy?" Todd asks. I shook my head and holds up the dusty book I found.
"W-where did you get that?" Kazumi asks horrifically. I glare at him.
"Why does a death report says that you died by murder?" I questioned him. He begin to grow nervous. I've never seen him showing this much emotion before. He was always known as the emotionless one.
"And why is there a closet full of pictures of me?" I ask once again,"Are you some stalker?" Todd tried to calm me down by patting my shoulder. Dylan looked as if he was uncomfortable in the argument. He just stayed quiet. Kazumi begin to hyperventilate.
        I immediately realize what I was doing and stopped.
"I'm sorry Kazumi. Before I came here, I was trapped in a room." I apologize. Kazumi all of a sudden, goes back to his normal soulless self. He shrugs.
"It's alright" he replies casually like nothing happened. I look at him confused. I look straight into his eyes with suspicion. He suddenly had a bit of pink on his face and he looked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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