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1.) I will not tug on his cowlick

2.) This would result in rape... probably...

3.) I will not convince the workers to shut down McDonald's for 24 hours

4.) Alfred would starve himself and cry alot

5.) I will not steal his glasses and run off with them

6.) Nor scream, "EVERYTHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS! " while running around him

7.) This can and will be taken pervertedly

8.) And cause him to blush furiously and try to grab for his glasses

9.) I will not get England horribly drunk and have him call America to pick him up

10.) This will result in america dealing with England's sexual deprivations and hangovers in the morning

11.) I will not set England on America by telling him America stole all his scone making materials

12.) England would yell at at America and would probably start a huge emotional fight

13.) I will not tell him that France kissed England

14.) This would cause America to punch France in the face

15.) I will not replace America's new horror game with a Hello Kitty game

16.) This would result in anger at first, but he would probably end up playing it out of boredom and get hooked

17.) I will not tell all the other countries he us playing Hello Kitty and have Japan take a video

18.) This would result in his extreme embarassment and the constant teasing from the other countries

19). I will not find his American flag boxers and run around with them singing "My Country tis of Thee" at the top of my lungs at 4 in the morning

20.) This would result in being chased and tackled to the ground by a sleepy, half dressed, angry american

21.) I will not tell England to go into America's storage room

22.) England would have an emotional breakdown and America would have to comfort him and try to calm him down

23.) I will not dangle a burger in front of him and then snatch it away when he reaches for it

24.) This would drive him crazy but he won't give up(possible foaming at the mouth?)

25.) I will not imitate him every time he slips onto his southern accent and accidentally says "ya'll"

26.) He would become more and more irritated untill he finally explodes at the nearest being

27.) I will not ductape England's hand securely to America's cowlick while they are sleeping and leave them there to deal with it

28.) England and America would hardly be able to move without triggering America; they would probably have to call Canada and/or France to sort it out. Lots of yelling, pain, and confusion will ensue.

29.) I will not ignore America and notice Canada for an entire day

30.) He would be shocked and offended when I notice Canada and not him, and he would be upset that I refuse to acknowledge his "Hero" presence at all

31.) I will not hide America's bomber jacket

32.) He would panic, create a huge mess upheaving everything while franiticly searching for it, and then eventually start going around accusing everone of taking it

33.) I will not organize America's room so he can't find anything

34.) He would probably think England did it and start another fight with him

35.) I will not insist on calling him "England's little colony" no matter how many times he tells me he is independent

36.) This would infuriate him because his freedom-loving country won't stand for being called a colony again

37.) I will not convince Russia to hide in his closet

38.) This would cause him to freak out and possibly go into shock from sudden terror

39.) I will not force him to eat England's scones

40.) This would cause him to puke his guts out multiple times or possibly a trip to the hospital

41.) I will not show America one of the sudden scare prank videos

42.) This would cause him to scream his head off and break whatever he's holding or whatever is closest to him

43.) Which, if positioned right, could be England's face

A special thanks to LivvyKirkland for helping me out!!! And for most of the other ones to come!

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