An Old Threat

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Akyra's POV

6 years later.....

I was walking threw the halls of the helicarrier with my backpack full of my equipment.

Yes I have equipment even though I'm 12.

If you ask about school I would say that I'm homeschooled by Bruce Banner or the Hulk.

I would give him the best teacher award since he was better than the first school that dad enrolled me too.

The teachers there were ignorant.

How smart am I?

I skipped elementary at the age of 10 so I can handle high school classes.

I walked in to the training room where Agent Coulson or Phil.

He is my best friend and babysitter.

Yes he is my babysitter ever since I got left alone one time and snuck in the shooting range and I almost got hit.

"Akyra! Its great to see you again." He smiled.

"Same to you Phil!" I smiled back.

Sadly I had no friends my age.

I was raised here in the helicarrier with agents.

Dad also had a lot of time to spend time with me.

He also made me understand my gift.

I can copy the moves if people by just watching a single step then boom!

I know his or her every move.

Here I also met the red headed woman who I saw back in New York.

Her name was Natasha Romanoff.

She was also one of my best friends.

When she heard that I was dad's daughter her face was priceless!

I also learn hand-to-hand combat, gun shooting and the Russian language from her.

I learned all of the languages except for Russian so I asked her to teach me.

She also taught me how to move like a gymnast.

Today Phil was going to put up robotic enemies with paintball guns and their going to shoot me.

Well dad wouldn't let me use a gun yet.

I'm only 12.

The only time he lets me use it is when I have to train in the shooting range or if he wants me to go on practice missions.

Practice missions are with real bad guys but its really easy since its only like drug dealers and illegal shippings.

The annoying thing is that dad tells about 3 agents to go with me.

No matter how many times I tell him that I only need one he keeps on adding 2 in secret.

I grabbed the vest, helmet, goggles and paintball gun.

"Remember. Shoot the weak spots."

I nodded and went up to the court and hid behind the crates.

I peeked and I saw a robot holding a paintball gun surveying the room.

I shoot it in the chest and it fell.

There were targets of them knowing that when they got hit their dead.

The robots were made by the Stark Industries.

I shot several robots until I reached the target zone.

The target zone was where I'm suppose to get files or destroy something.

Today I'm destroying 5 crates of drugs.

Since the room was fire proof I can easily destroy the crates but I surveyed the room first if there were important files.

I found a laptop and documents on a lone crate.

I took them and slid them inside my vest.

I stood near the door and in my pocket was 5 bombs.

Yes I carry explosives deal with it.

I ran out of the room as soon as I placed the bombs in place.

"Good job." Phil said as I got out.


"Now for hand-to-hand combat."

6 agents appeared.

I ran to the first agent.

He dodged my punch and I swept him off his feet.

Then the second ran to me.

I blocked her punches and I punched her in the stomach and judo flipped her.

The others were a bit the same but their attacks were stronger.

After 30 minutes I succeeded to fight the remaining agents.

"Well you improved your blocks and dodges. And you would always depend on your gift and copy your opponents moves. I can't believe your growing up." Phil said the last sentence with a babyish voice and a pout.


He laughed.

I punched him lightly on the shoulder and I went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

I went inside and I was surprised to see my dad.

"Hello dad!" I smiled at him.

"Hello Akyra. How was training?" He said.

"At least I used explosives instead of a flamethrower."

He chuckled then went back to serious mode.

"I have an assignment for you."

"What is it?"

He gave me a folder.

On the folder there was a big letter A.

"I want you to recruit them. We need them."

"Whats the trouble dad?"

"Another threat is coming and you won't like it."

"Whats the threat?"

"Loki is back and he's bringing the Chintauri with him again."

I froze when I heard that.


"I'll recruit them then. I don't want them taking anything away."

My dad smiled. "Now go with Agent Romanoff. She'll be driving the jet."

I nodded and went out.

I will make sure that those aliens won't ever touch earth again.





I'm 12 years old and I am an Avenger!Where stories live. Discover now