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Chris glanced to Ricky as he cut his sandwich into triangles, making sure that Ricky had all of his coloring supplies pushed to the side so he could eat. Ricky had done as Chris had previously asked, looking to his Daddy with a proud smile. His collar hung from his neck, the silver heart glimmering in the afternoon sunlight.

Chris set some cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries and grapes on the plate beside Ricky's sandwich, then fastened the lid on Ricky's sippy cup securely. He turned, plate and cup in hand, then placed them both in front of Ricky. Ricky smiled and grabbed a grape, popping it into his mouth with a giggle.

Chris lightly stroked his hair, "that's Daddy's good boy." He cooed before turning to the counter again to grab his own lunch. He sat across from Ricky at their round kitchen table. Ricky munched on a piece of his sandwich quietly, glancing up at Chris, then down to his plate again.

"Dada?" He asked softly, tucking some hair behind his ear. "C-Can I watch Netfwix?" He pointed at Chris' phone in his shirt pocket with a whine. "Please?"

Chris took out his phone and passed it to Ricky. "Only little boy stuff, Ricky. Remember what happened last time you watched big boy stuff?"

Ricky blushed, he remembered quite vividly. Chris had caught him watching Saw while he was in little space, and Ricky ended up with a red bum and nightmares for a few nights. "Got in trouble, an-an' had bad dreams." He unlocked the device and tapped into Netflix, scrolling through the shows and movies up until he found Disney's Hercules.

Ricky propped the phone up between him and Chris as the movie started. Ricky, being both a slow eater and captivated by the movie, finished his lunch in twenty minutes. Chris was a fast eater, so he finished in half that. He didn't allow Ricky to leave the table until every piece of fruit and sandwich was gone.

Ricky now had his arms around Chris' waist as the taller male washed the dishes, his cheek against his back. "Thank you for taking off work, Daddy. I love yous so much."

Chris smiled, "you know I love seeing you in little space. You were way too little to be left alone today." He shivered as Ricky ran his hands up his shirt and over his tattooed sides.

Ricky loved Chris' soft skin against his fingertips, massaging his sides lovingly. "Been thinkin'.."


"Pretties." Ricky gently patted Chris' Dexter tattoo, "wanna get s'more."

"But you hate pain, Baby Boy.. You cried when you were getting your side done." He replied. "Are you sure you want that?"

"S-Small one. F-For us..." Ricky whispered shyly. He'd been thinking about getting a matching tattoo with Chris for weeks, but was much too shy to ask. "Two ideas."

Chris dried off his hands and spun around in Ricky's arms, lifting him up onto the counter so they'd be at eye level. "Tell Daddy."

He took Chris' hand and laced their fingers together, then pointed to the knuckles of their thumbs. "Hearts. When we hold hands, the hearts touch." He then pulled his hand away to point at his wrist, where a small bit of space was free. "Or... I-I want our anniversary there."

Chris had the sweetest smile on his face before he pressed their lips together. "How about we get both of them together? I'll get our anniversary on my wrist, too." He rested their foreheads together, then cupped Ricky's cheeks. "I'm in love with you." He murmured.

Ricky giggled, "And I'm in love with you." He pecked his lips. "You act like I don't know, silly."

"I just love reminding you." He moved his hands to Ricky's thighs, spreading his legs so he could stand between them. He lifted his chin, then kissed him deeply for a few long moments. "You have my heart, Flower."

Ricky blushed at Chris' tone. Times like this, where Chris would whisper such sweet, romantic things to him made him just absolutely melt. He wrapped his arms around his neck, then closed his eyes. "And you have mine, Daddy."

"August 13, Baby." Chris whispered into his ear. "Best day of my life. Fuck, I still think about how gorgeous you looked when you walked down that aisle..." Although the wedding was three weeks ago, he couldn't help but feel like it was yesterday.

Ricky giggled, "you started crying. Why?" He asked curiously.

"It was just... Surreal. First off, I hadn't seen you for a full 24 hours. Then you come down that aisle, looking absolutely stunning, and I lost it. I remember thinking 'this is it. The rest of my life, walking closer and closer to me.' All our memories just sorta rushed back, and I guess it really hit me, and I really saw how much you made me happy. I knew you made me happy, but holy fuck, Ricky, you've made me into a better man." He kissed his lips ever so softly. "I knew you were the one. I knew there was a reason that we'd met that night. I-I knew it. Ryan knew it."

"I knew it." Ricky smiled sweetly and set his hand on the back of Chris' head. "Deep down, I knew that the universe wanted me to find you. It wanted me to lay with you that night. It wanted me to be saved by you, and It wanted me to be with you."

Chris blushed. It wasn't often that his cheeks went pink, but just the intimate conversation made him bashful. He was so happy to have Ricky in his life, and he knew they were the perfect pair. He cleared his throat and checked the time on his watch, "l-let's go get dressed, Babe. How about we go get those tattoos?"

The timeline of this story is set a few months behind, and I apologize for that. Anyway, their official "wedding anniversary" would in face be August 13, even though that chapter wasn't published then. Trying to just work on writing bits for birthdays, Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas throughout the next dozen, maybe more, chapters. As always, thank you all for supporting this story. It may not be the best, but I enjoy writing it whenever I can. Oh, and try not to get too comfortable with the repetitive fluff. I have some ideas. (;

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