Chapter 4: Memory

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I cried myself throughout the entire night. I'm still confused on to why Roger would cheat on me the way that he did and lie about it after all this time. It breaks my heart to know that he was never the guy I wanted to be with. He just wanted a simple-minded girl that didn't have any intentions of leaving this pathetic ass town. My mother was right this entire time about Roger, even though the things she said about him were harsh, she was right. How could I be so stupid to fall victim to a guy that I knew that wasn't going to support my dreams and goals I had set for myself? I hate that I allowed myself to cry in front of Roger and Derrick. I didn't want them to see me as a typical, weak, teenage girl. But it hurts. I gave my all to someone that I knew I shouldn't have given a chance. I swear on everything, Roger better hope to God that I don't ever see him again because if I do, he's going to regret the day he was ever born.

I heard knocking on my door. "Christina, breakfast is ready and you can't be late for school." , said mom. I started to groan in frustration because I didn't want to face the inevitable of seeing Roger and that bitch at school. I'm so glad that this is my senior year and it's almost over. I just hope my senior year ends faster because the faster I graduate, the faster I can leave this stupid town behind me. "I'm coming!", I shouted as I started rolling out of bed. Slowly, but surely I was preparing myself mentally and emotionally for school. I knew that I was going to run into Roger, but I needed to have my 'bitch face' on for when him and that bitch,  Jessica Shaman. I should've known that she had a thing for Roger, but I shouldn't have dated him just to prove to her that I could have him, but even with that mindset, Karma was a bitch at the end.

I decided to wear an outfit that I never thought about wearing after my mom bought it for my 17th birthday. The outfit was sexy, classy, and sophisticated, but a little revealing. Luckily, the school didn't have an uptight policy towards dress code, especially since it's my senior year. I wanted to wear this outfit to bring forth a different attitude to make Roger remember what he just lost, but it's for me to gain my confidence back after what happened to me last night. I needed to remind myself that I'm beautiful, artistic, talented, intelligent, ambitious, young woman. I needed to remind myself of who I am before and after Roger entered my life. Today, I'm going to put on that 'rest bitch face' on a hundred because it's time to outshine these people once and for all. 

I started putting lipgloss and a little bit of makeup on my face. Then, I put on my hoop earrings that my mom bought me for Christmas last year and the heels that I never thought about wearing to school unless it was necessary, but today it was definitely necessary. "CHRISTINA, HURRY UP!!", shouted my mom. I had to look at myself one more time before running down the stairs to go to school. "Coming!" I shouted.  I smiled to myself one more time then walked out of my bedroom. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw the one person that I wasn't expecting to see early this morning.  His eyes were started to widen a little and he had a smirk on his face because I knew that he noticed how good I was looking. "Yesssss, my daughter looking feisty this morning. That's what I call the 'snatch back to reality' fit right there." said, mom. My mom always knew how to say the most embarrassing things, but I had to admit I was looking like a model on the runway.

"Wow. You look amazing, Chris". I was amazed that Derrick gave me a compliment. "So, what brings you here to my house?" I asked. "I came here to check on you and I was going to drive us to school since I knew you were going to be late this morning," said Derrick. I can't even lie, he made me blush really hard, but I tried my hard to not let him notice my face turning red. "You're ok, Chris?", he asked. "Um, yeah. I'm good." I said. I had to think quick on my feet because I didn't want to seem like a dork while standing in front of Derrick. "Well, let's go. I'll see you guys later. Drive safely." said mom.

I didn't know what to say to Derrick, but I knew that I would make Roger mad as hell if I show up with Derrick. Right now, I don't care about that right now. I'm just ready to get away from Roger and this stupid ass town. "Are you going to tell me why you decided to look sexy as hell today?", asked Derrick. I put on my poker face because I didn't want him to know that I was blushing on the inside from his compliment. "Well, I wanted to look good for myself and to remind Roger what he's missing out on for what he did to me." I said. "Well, you don't have to worry about him. He won't be too worried because you will be with me today.", said Derrick. I swear I like the fact that Derrick cares about me and would do anything to protect me and to make me happy. Even though he has only been here for a couple of months, I feel so connected to him. He brings out a different side of me that I didn't know ever existed. But, I loved every minute of the new me whenever I was with Derrick. 

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