Diaries of mistakes~ Emma (part 3)

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I lean in, lost in those emerald green eyes of his. A loud bang interrupts my lovely thoughts. Only a second later I noticed that the loud noise was me... falling off my chair.

The loud noises in the class room stopped, obviously interrupted by my disruption and everyone's eyes met mine. In total embarrassment I climb up on the chair trying to get up only for it to flip over on top of me. Laughs bust in the rooms from every student in there. The only person that wasn't was.... Mark..

His eyes show sympathy as he pulls me up with his strong arms. " um, thanks" I whisper as I get on my feet. Don't look into the eyes, don't look into the eyes... I turn my head trying to to avoid them. But Mark turns my head by my chin forcing me to look. "Are you alright?" he says in a voice that made my legs wobble. " y-yeah I'm f-fine." I say in a wiry voice. "good, I would hate anything to happen to that beautiful face of yours." he holds my now red cheek for a while and stares in my eyes. " um.. everyone's staring..." I whisper switching my eyes from the Unwanted audience to Mark. He turns his head looking at the awed audience and does his sexy smile. He's not even bothered about this? Mr.Robin walks into the room and slams the thick math papers down making a loud bang noise that diverts everyones attention to him. I scatter out of marks strong hands to my desk and sit in my chair. " Since all of you were Focused on shenanigans instead of doing your warm up, you can finish the warm up AND 35 other problems tonight for homework. A moan of frustration escapes from students mouths and they turn their attention on Mr. Robin. Mr.Robin is a 68 year old little grouchy man that owns 12 cats that I know of from the pictures he hangs on the walls. He was in the police force for 28 years and quit after he got shot in his testicles making his wife leave him and his worst decision, to go into teaching. I think the shot made him grouchy as fuck since he wasn't getting any action with a busted pipe, Ew.....

Later in math class Mr Robin talks about Mathy crap and stuff, but I wasn't listening. Through the entire class period Mark was staring at me, and of course I was to shy to say something so I just glanced between minutes. Then for some odd reason, between one of the glances I just stared into his eyes while he stared back, eyes glistening from the light peaking of the classroom blinds, Mark was my fantasy guy that came true.

Faint sayings of my name echoed through my ears. "Emma....Emma...."

"EMMA!" My attention diverts to little angry Mr. Robin, pointing his make shift pointer made out of news paper and rubber bands to a 3D triangle on the board. "What?" I say making the class laugh. " why is this class so distracted today?! You know what, I'm sick of all of you not listening! You think I want to teach a bunch of hormonal, destructional-high schooler-" "Ok i'm sorry Mr. Robin, I'll solve the word problem if it would make you calm." I said, using hand motions and talking slowly. It's a yoga technique my dad uses when my mom starts getting loud when they fight, Which makes her even madder so I should of known it would of made the situation worst.... " CALM?! I AM calm!! You know what Emma, DETENTION!" Oh....My....Gosh.... I never have gotten detention my.Life.Is.Ruined. "For three weeks..." He adds. I was in total shock, face frozen in a mid- gasp as the world revolved around me. And then like my Knight in shining armorer saving me from the fire breathing dragon. Mark stands up, saying the most dreamy , romantic thing ever you could ever say to help a girl, " Dude.... Chill..." My heart literally melted. "Oh? Chill, I wonder if you will be "chill" after 3 weeks of detention." So Mark got detention even though he probably already had it And then I pieced together.... It's clear the world wants us to be together, It's fate! Mark was going to spend an hour and 30 minutes for 3 weeks after school with me which technically is 21 days and 31 hours and 30 minutes but anyway, It was the perfect amount of time for us to go through the 5 stages to being a couple. " Well, looks like we will be spending more time together." Mark saids staring into my eyes.



Sorry I havent updated for a long time... I'm not gonna lie I just really didnt want to. This is a weird chapter with the whole teacher situation.... He needs some anger managment.Anyway tell me if this chapter was to over dramatic with the teacher yelling and stuff cause I have a habit with over dramanizing things. ANYWAY peace :P

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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