Chapter 1

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^^^^^^^^^^^ picture of Julie^^^^^

Life is a weirdo path with thousands of exits, entrances and obstacles. That's how I've always seen life. Each person is just a spec of dust that flouts for a short time until it falls to the ground to forever be forgotten. Even the best of them are forgotten at some point. Me? Well I don't find myself to be any different my path weird just like everyone else's and someday it will come to a dead end.
Oh I forgot to introduce myself! My bad! I'm Julie! Julie Ann and I am just fresh out of high school! I finally don't have to go to school anymore and no more responsibilities an-
"JULIE GET YOUR BUT DOWN HERE NOW!" My mom yelled loudly from the kitchen. I myself had my blue jeans halfway on and I had hadn't even brushed my hair yet! I hurried and finished my morning routine and ran into the kitchen and grabbed a peace of toast from a plate on the table and popped it into my mouth. My mom looked at me and sighed scratching her head "what am I going to do with you".
"I don't know Feed me to the wolves" I said which was muffled by the toast between my teeth and I winked at her. I grabbed my bag and ran for the door heading toward my car. Which was had a person leaning against it smirking. Me being my innocent self didn't think twice about it and got into my car as the person got quickly annoyed about the fact that I ignored them.
"Hey open this window or I'll break it!" The person yelled at me.
I rolled down my window and smirked at the person like I didn't have a clue what they wanted. "Can I help you?" I said innocently.
"Julie.... you know what I want" the person said angrily.
"Do I? I don't even know who you are random person I've never seen before" I said smirking at them.
"Wow Julie.... you really know how to push people's buttons no wonder you became the alpha" my packs third in command and best friend Cody said.
"Huh! Dramatic gasp Cody! I can't believe you didn't realize that until now!" I said with a fake shocked face.
"Ya ya whatever just get to work will you? If you stay any longer the pack will have my head." He said scratching the back of his neck sighing.
"Ok thank you so much my good old friend it was nice seeing you again I hope we can meet again someday" I said dramatically holding my hand out to him dramatically waiting for his response.
"My god Julie....." he said rubbing his eyes like he was tired. "Anyways I just came to tell you we caught a a rouge last night and no one can get to him so we will need your assistance..... and beta Andrew won't be very happy that your late..." he said seriously now.
"Oh fun! Ok I'll be going now" I said with a bright smile on my face as I started to pull out of the driveway.
Now that I'm driving there really isn't anything to think about what to do what to- oh I've got it!
I'll just tell you why we were talking about packs back there! So basically if you couldn't figure that part out I'm a werewolf and so is Cody along with the rest of my pack. We change at will not like forced on the full moon or something that would be weird. We also have these little wolves in our head I think they are called secondkin or something? Anyways our secondkin are basically our wolf side! They can't control our wolf or anything endless we let them take control. So I think of them as our primal instincts rapped into a little ball of conscious that was placed in all werewolves heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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