[EXO] {Minseok} Afternoon Coffee

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I hear (y/n) calling me from the other room. I smile a little to myself and take another sip of my coffee mug before I quickly reply, "I'm coming."

As I walk into our bedroom, flooded with light, I see (y/n) still hidden under our fluffy white sheets. I chuckle.

"Babe," I say walking towards the cocoon residing on the bed, "Why are you still asleep?" I gently start to unwrap the blankets, but as soon as the light hits her eyes, she rolls back into darkness.

"Turn off the lights. It's too early." She groans.

"Baby, it's 1 P.M. It's far from early." She stays silent and I could tell that the current time didn't change her statement. I thought about how she acts like such a child sometimes and how cute she was even if she wasn't all that compliant. I sat down next to the bed and gently rubbed her back.

"Babe turn the lights off and come back to bed," She muttered in her somewhat sleepy and somewhat conscious state.

"But it's one in the afternoon," I repeat. Her form rustles in dissent and I can hear her softly mock me from below the blanket.

She pokes her head out with her hair flying all over the place. You can tell the bright sun hurts her eyes but she chooses to sit up anyway

"What's your point?" She states aloofly.

"Yeah. You're right." I close the shades and clamber into the bed. She wraps her arms around me and I pull her into a tight embrace.

"Finally," She sighs and together we fall back to sleep.


Jeez who taught me how to write lmao

Short soft scene to end the day



Written by my other Admin on our Tumblr! Want stories faster than when I post them here? Want to request someone/something you don't see here? Want to request reactions? Go follow us at FandomSins on Tumblr! We'll be postin there and I'll upload them here when I can/ think about it lol

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