Prologue / Author's Note

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Hi everyone I'm Hallie and I'm writing this book with my bestie, Kyle.

Kyle wrote this (the prologue), so this is not my doing, all I did was add the last paragraph, the rest is all Kyle, so I hope you like it even more!

I will be writing all the chapters in Tigeressa's POV (point of view) so if the chapter has: [Tigeressa] ,in the title you know I wrote it. If the title has: [Triv] ,then you know Kyle wrote the chapter. We will sometimes both write a chapter then [Both POV] will we in the chapter title.

 Please post your opinions, reviews, edits, complements, or ideas in the comments. It would help Kyle and I so much! Thank you, thank you!          - Hallie (Kyle added some parts, haha)


Long ago before mankind dominated the globe and made mystical creatures flee forever from sight, all the mystical kinds were at peace. With all the mystical peace on earth it created a special atmosphere filled with love and a magical essence that would change the world forever! The fairies, vampires, even shape shifters, and many more, all mated, creating a unique breed of mystical beings that were called the Special Ones. A Special One wasn't quite a mixture or a combination of it's parent species, but had their mystical abilities in human form. This happened all because of the magical essence that was placed inside every Special One. The Special Ones could use this essence or power when only needed to protect other species, or to use at anytime in anyway to another one of it's own. This power was also stronger than any power, spell, potion, or curse. The magical power was strong enough to save the entire world if needed.

Then mankind stormed throughout the world conquering the land and sea. The mystical beings fled away to secret places not wanting to risk their lives in battle, but the Special Ones didn't follow. They attempted to fight but their special power meant to protect didn't work against men at war.

Many were defeated, some pretended to be human, and some ran away back to the other mystical kinds thinking their powers were now useless

The Special Ones that pretended to be human never used their powers, and then mated with humans, thereby decreasing their power halfway and making a cross breed of half special, half man. The Special Ones' plan to reproduce their kind didn't work because at birth of every Half Special it would kill the mother (Special or not) during labor and it's power would go wild, destroying everything in it's path! Mankind was shocked and terrified of the Half Specials mainly because of all the deaths to the mothers and the crazy power coming from the newborns that killed many more. Mankind renamed every Special One, pure or half, to the Wild Powers.

Mankind should have been patient though for they would have found that a newborn Wild Power has only unleashed power for a very short time and that it's mystical ability from their Special parent would be shown... Then someday their specie's own unique power would be revealed when the power deep inside matured to it's full potential.

The newborn Wild Powers needed cared when the humans abandoned them. Some Wild Powers that survived the chaos raised them themselfs but most were raised by the Wild Powers that ran away many years ago thinking their magical power was useless. They came back after hearing the screams and yells from humans finding the newborns and taking them to raise them. Some Wild Powers that came back to receive a half Wild Power were no longer good. Some had been furious with their limited power and unhappy with their mystical ability, and had turned to evil. Those Wild Powers ran to the other side of the globe with the newborn hoping to succeed with the same plan, to grow in numbers of their kind, but for them... evil.

The evil and good Wild Powers raised the newborns in a human lifestyle. They sent their kids to school with human kids teaching them to hide their abilities and to observe more about human life, so that one day humans and the Wild Powers could be at peace... Or what a evil Wild Power dreams is that they will one day dominate man like they did to them.

But then . . .

All Wild Powers died, the King of the mysticals sent out a spell to poison every one as punishment for ruining the lives of so many. Only eight newborns remained, the chosen ones to set the world back to peace, four males, and four females. The King sent each one to the perfect place where they could retrieve and complete their destinies. This story is about the first newborn Wild Power, Tigeressa, her best friend Triv, and how they discovers who they are at the Mystical High School, and find what awaits them in the future.

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