Chapter 3-Do I Know You? [Tigressa]

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I wake up early and find Nami and Sundari fast asleep. On their desks are their schedules and I pick them up to find what time they start classes. I realize that I start classes way earlier than them, and that I have a two hour break at the time they start. I smile, and head into the bathroom.

About a half hour later I protrude from the magic door wearing a light blue, ruffled, tank top and dark, jean shorts that end about mid thigh. My hair is pulled back into a high, messy pony tail with a blue butterfly pinned atop it. I had put gray eye shadow on and decided that mascara would be enough. I slip my blue and brown Keens on, and grab my bag. I dig out my class schedule, and find my first class of the day, science.

Outside the elevator, locker, thingy I find a few people who are actually up. I look at the clock, 7:30am, and my class starts at 7:31.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath. I look down at the classroom number. I slump forward, and decide to just walk the distance to the other side of the school. As I walk, I bump into a girl with a sparkly cressent moon placed delicately in her hair.

“I’m so sorry! I’m kind of in a rush, could you help me?” I ask her, digging out a pen and notebook from my bag.

“Sure, I’ll try, where you headed?” she says, looking at me with an honest, and open face.

“I’m trying to reach room 132, do you know where that is?”

“Yea actually, I passed it when I entered the school. Here, do you want me to write down how to get there?” she asks, pointing to the pen and paper.

“Please,” I hand here the school supplies, and watch in aw as her hand moves, creating beautiful, delicate lines. With the writing just under mine, I realize that I’m such a sloppy person when it comes to writing.

“Here,” her hand stops moving and gives me the instructions. “Before you go, could you help me now? I’m new, in fact, I haven’t been here more than an hour. Do you know where this locker is?” she points to a piece of paper with a number on it.

“Yea, actually, that locker is right next to mine,” I give her my locker number. “Just a warning, the lockers, aren’t lockers. They’re elevators to your dorm. Just open it and step inside, then close the door. The elevator will then go down by itself. You will probably have roommates, so they’ll show you the ropes,” I look at the clock again, “Oh crap. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go!” I hurry down the hall without catching the girls name.


“Hi! You’re Tigressa right?” a male voice says behind me.

“What? Oh, yes that’s me, why?” I turn around and come face to face with a gorgeous boy. His pitch black hair, falls in his cobalt blue eyes, and his tanned skin stretches over well defined muscles. His tall frame makes me feel short, but I don’t care. The only thing going on my head is wanting to get to know him better.

“Well, I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight. I didn’t really understand the assignment that Mr. Rell gave us, and I saw that you were finished really quickly. Could you help me?” he asks, running a hand through his hair, making him even more good looking, and holding his hand just behind his head.

“No, I’m not doing anything, and sure, I’ll help you. Where do you want to meet me?”

“Parking lot? We could go to Starbucks or something.”

“Sure, sounds great! I need to go wake up my roommates now, see you around five o’clock tonight?”

“Yup,” he waves as I hurry down the hall, blushing like mad.

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