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《Yoselins pov❤》

Yesterday they told us that im going to be the leader of the girls and to respect eachother like family and that all of us have a bad past but i dont trust nobody here i cant even trust my self

*knock knock*

"Come in"i say and xavier comes in my view

"Get ready we have a meeting downstairs"he says

"Another one"i say rolling my self off my bed

"Yeah got a problem"he says whit a joke  tone

"Yeah i do"i say and roll my eyes

"So get out im going to change"i say standing and pushing him out  the room

"I would like to stay in that case"he says

"Pervert"i say laughing and he closes the door that boy got me feelings things first day he said hes not going to Catch feelings for nobody and here i am but he seems nice not yesterday tho that he got angry at me he does have alot of angry issues and all cause i dint say excuse me and i bump into him he has 2 faces but i like both of them NO I MEAN I like them as you know a freindly way Im just stressed out


I put my curly hair in a messy bun whit my bra and panties i forgot i have no clothes i just have the ones i train whit

"XAVIER"I scream and i hear somebody running to my door i peek to see Xavier whit a gun

"Hey put the gun down"i say while putting a towel around my body

"Why did you scream then?"he askes and he puts the gun on my bed

"Cause i need some clothes and i was wondering if you let me borrow some"i say

"Yeah, but next time dont scream"he says and gets out of my room he comes back and gives me a big black shirt and some red shorts i put them on and head downstairs

"Hey guys"i say and everybody turn around

"Yoselin can you have a sit"Kyle says

"Yes i can"i walk to the couch and sit down

"So this is yalls partners
Ariana whit ethan
Reyna whit felix
Miranda whit Dean
And Xavier whit yoselin"he says and leaves

"Well i guess we have to start training"Xavier says whit a groan i jump whit happiness i will love to kick his ass i run upstairs and put my boxing clothes then i walk to the gym were everybody is already training

"Okay yoselin show me what you got"Xavier says whit a smirk i get in the ring and put some gloves on xavier throws a punch but i dodge it and i punch him in the nose and he starts to bleed he kicks me and i fall he gets on top of me punching me but i put my legs around his neck chocking him i stop and then i punch him in the guts he falls in the floor and groans

"Why there"he says while groaning

"Cause i hate your guts"i say whit a smirk i get off  the ring and i run 4 miles i then start to punch a punching bag i had to get mad so i can train good then i remember when i saw my dad in the floor and my mom i start to punch the bad aggressive and i punch it one more time and it falls everybody looks at me

"Training is over yall guys did great yalls first mission will be in 4 days dont worry is practice but yall still have to pass it know go and take a shower cause yall stinck"Kyle says while doing quotes in the air that we stinck ariana runs and hugs him and he put a disgusting face

"You take a showe too cause you stink"ariana says and all of us laught i walk to the bathroom and take a shower i leave my hair down and put the clothes that xavier gave me i walk downstairs to see the guys cooking i walk towards them

"Are you just gonna stand there or help us"Dean says while cutting the meat

"Im just gonna stand here"i say and roll  my eyes

"Your mom dint teach you maners"Dean says whit a smirk i turn around and anger boiling me

"What you mad"dean says whit his smirk growing bigger my eye sight turns red and i grab a gun and pointing it at him

"Yoselin i was just playing"Dean says  scared


"Yoselin put the gun down"i turn around to see miranda


"Yoselin just calm down"Xavier says walking towards me he grabs the gun i had and puts it on the table i see tears on my eyes and i ran outside i hear screams but i run deeper and deeper to the forest i fall to the ground and cried for the first time....

《Xaviers pov♠》

I run behind yoselin and she stops and falls to the ground and starts to cry i pick her up and she snuggles closer to and falls asleep i walk to the house and i see Miranda and reyna yelling at dean yoselin wake up and looks at me and i put her down

"Im sorry i dint i just i my parents died and there were the only ones that were there for me  and i just got pissed"yoselin says a little angry

"Im sorry for being a jerk i dint know"Dean says and hugs yoselin and she hugs him back i growl at them for being to close

"Okay know lets go to sleep  maybe tomorrow we can go to the mall or something"Miranda says

"Yall can go me and ethan have to go whit my dad tomorrow"Ariana says whit a bored expression

"I feel bad for yall"reyna says

"No need"Ethan says

"Its late lets go to sleep and my dad already has clothes for yall he bought it"ariana says and heads upstairs to sleep and reyna and miranda and dean and felix follow her to  there rooms

"Good night"ethan says and runs upstairs

"Hey um xavier thanks"i say and he smiles

"No problem if i was you i would already had shot him"Xavier says whit a serious tone

"You have killed before?"i ask

"Yeah alot but i have changed my ways"he says whit a smile

"The first time i killed was when i was 5"i say saying my past hes has been nice to me so why not tell him

"Me was 8 you were young you had a bad past i guess"he says looking straight to my eyes

"Yes i did im going to sleep maybe one day i can tell you about my past"i say and he comes closer and hugs me and i hug him back

"I will to"he says i go upstairs and he follows my lead i go to my room and brush my teeth

*ring* i look over my phone

Good night dream about me:)))-Xavier
I grab  it and answer back
Good night and that would be a nightmare:)) i put my phone down i close my eyes and darkness consumes  me



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