(11) almost kiss

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Your Perspective


"Is Duke trying to find her?" I ask, hair wet from a tempered bath taken earlier. "She's been gone for a while...and the last she told me, if she were to go missing a second time it probably meant trouble."

"I'm not sure if Duke is searching for Sarah," Tea sighs, patching up my wounds which seem to be healing quicker than before.

There is one troubling wound on my upper thigh however. It is stubborn and oozes blood once a night. I remember his belt digging into my skin there.

It becomes natural patience for me not to flinch as she touches my blood and cleans me.

Tea. I smile at her so loving and sweet while handling me. She seems to be more refreshed and relaxed. So I ask, "Never seen you this chill?"

She chuckles, bandaging my thigh up. I let her, in my underwear and an oversized hoodie she bought for me over while coming over.

There were other materials and feminine hygiene products that I used quickly once she came to visit. I cleaned up for her and myself. The softness of my skin now made me smile and feel prettier.

"How can I not be chill? My little bean here—" she points to my nose, "—has finally gotten a break from the brothel?" Tea. Tea makes me smile.

"I feel bad for leaving on such terms," I shrug, "if women like you and the others don't get a break, why should I?"

"Because fate brought you Jin as a client," she teases with a wink.

Rubbing my knee as she places the box of bandages and ointment to the side, Tea's full attention is on me.

I roll my eyes, a blush creeps onto my face however.


She giggles, "How is he by the way?"

"Who's asking? You or nosy Cya?"

"Me," Tea laughs again.

"Well," I sigh, sulking a little without even hiding my distaste, "I wouldn't know since I haven't seen him in a week almost."

Tae's brows jump. "You're telling me he hasn't tried to touch you again?"

I shake my head. "He really hasn't."

"Really? Almost half the time with you is done," Tea is in shock, "he's got a week left and yet—"

"I know right?" I smile, biting down at my lip so I don't trick my own emotions and smile too large. "He's just...He's just different from any man I've come across and I—"

Tea smiles larger than even I can come down with. My expression softens and I try to harden. Usually, hardening and committing to a 'tough-girl-persona' is easy for me. But today and this week have been nothing but usual. I feel like a bubbling school girl that has been caught of her crush.

"Don't," I warn.

Tea laughs, propping her hands onto my knees before resting her chin there. She is close to me and I lean in, warning her cutely again. "I'm serious, we never speak of this again?"

"Why? Because you're embarrassed over having a slight crush?"

"Tea, I'm serious."

"Did you search up him and his band since you've gotten free wifi here?" She continues to tease me.

I feel my breath catch in my throat at that. I come up with nothing and Tea snorts, eyes widening. "YOU HAVE!"

"I stalked the group a little...read up on him a little." I giggle when she slaps at my knee, astonished over who she was seeing. "Ow, careful! I'm still hurt!" I whine but she doesn't listen, too excited for her own good.

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