Chapter 1

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"So... Definitely demons?" asked Sam, running a hand through his hair. The Winchesters were investigating a particularly gruesome massacre in an abandoned office block down in Missouri, the offices sheltered a lot of homeless all of whom had been mutilated.

Dean sighed at his laptop,

"Looks like, place reeked of sulphur. The sheriff said he'd call if anything strange came up, but I don't think there's much more to this Sammy. I mean, there haven't been anymore killings in the area the demons will  be long gone by now."

"But why target one place? A crappy homeless joint? They must've been after something in particular right? Demons enjoy killing yeah, but they don't slaughter two dozen people out of the blue." Something wasn't right about this, why target a building in the middle of nowhere?  Especially a place filled with people with nothing valuable. Dean shook his head and took another swig of beer, he'd been doing that a lot lately, Sam noticed. In fact, he'd been on edge ever since 'Agent Stark' visited the crime scene yesterday. As Dean opened his third beer that evening, Sam decided that enough was enough.

"Hey man what's up with you? You've been on edge ever since you visited the office block."

"Nothing Sammy, I'm fi-"

"I swear to God you pull that 'I'm fine' crap on me again, I'll slit your damn throat, so spill."

Dean groaned as Sam glared at him. But Sam wasn't letting this go, Dean's worst quality was keeping his feelings to himself. 

"I am fine, it's just- When I was there, there was this body, a girl. She must've been about sixteen? Seventeen at most. Her, her throat was cut, she was the youngest they found. It just pisses me off you know? I mean sixteen and she had absolutely nothing. She was running too, there were bloody footprints behind her, she was two metres from the exit. Damn demons, she could've been so much more."

Dean put his head in his hands.

"Most of the people killed were in middle aged, they'd had a lifetime to make mistakes and lose it all, gambling, crime, the works. But a kid? I don't know Sammy, I really don't know. And you know what the weird thing is? They found her DNA in a grimy old sleeping bag  on the seventh floor, most of the other victims were killed before her on the floor above and below her. Now tell me, how does a seventeen year old girl outlive dozens of grown men and women and come so close to escaping? It's eating at me man, there's something off about this."

Sam nodded, young victims always affected him the most, it was probably due to the fact Dean had basically raised his younger brother his whole life. It was a good point though, how does a teenage girl outlive all of those people?

"Don't worry Dean we'll catch 'em, then we'll gank 'em. I've had a funny feeling about all of this too, how about we swing by the morgue in the morning and check out the crime scene again. The building was so big, and so many people were killed, it's likely we've missed something."

Dean nodded gravely and got up to go to the bathroom.

"Should we call Cas?" He called. 

"Not yet," Sam replied. "Let him rest up first, he must be feeling really rough."

Cas, who was now human thanks to Metatron's deception, was in the Bunker. The Winchesters had found him on the side of a road, dazed and confused. They'd fed him up and left him with Kevin to rest. 

Sam turned back to his laptop and began researching the victims, they'd get to the bottom of this, he was sure of it.


The next morning, after filling up with leftover pizza, the Winchesters went to the morgue at the local hospital to examine the bodies up close. They had asked to view the bodies alone, for 'FBI procedures'. Many of them had been stabbed, some had had their throats cut, sulphur being the only unusual thing about them.

They were down to the last six bodies, all of which had been identified. Dean grimaced as he pulled out 'Camille Thresh', a wave of nausea passed over him as he looked into the still eyes of the seventeen year old he'd seen two days before.  Her face had been wiped clean of blood, her red hair no longer grimy. They couldn't clean the ugly red gash on her neck though, Dean clenched his fists as he realized that Camille looked a little like Charlie Bradbury. 

Sam ran a hand through his hair, as he always did when he was stumped. Yet again, despite the sulphur, there was nothing out of the ordinary about her. Shaking his head, Sam slid the tray back again. 

"Well I'm gonna go talk to the Sheriff, he called earlier to say he'd be here around this time." Said Dean, turning to leave.

"Dean, wait." 

Sam had pulled out the next body, a Matthew Saltsburg, shooting Sam a questioning look Dean went over.

Matthew's eyes had been burned out, completely.

The brothers shared a look and they both began to pull out the other four bodies, and all them had no eyes left. Looks like they found the demons.

Dean sighed,

"Well looks like the God Squad got to the demons before us. Which means, douchebaggery is nearby. Question is why would a mere five demons attract an angel, especially since they only fell a few weeks ago."

"Beats me, maybe the angel was crashing at the office?"

"But the angel would've smited the bastards before they killed so many." Dean pointed out.

He cracked his knuckles,



"I think it's time to call Cas."



Short chapter! This kind of sucks but it'll get better, and Cas is in the next chapter :D

Dean sighs a lot lol

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