Chapter 2

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The blast practically vaporizes half the wagon, Brian Sophie and Penny thrown to the ground in a whirlwind of debris. Brian eats dirt and claws around for the two girls, finally clutching onto their shirts before dragging them deeper into the woods.

he crawls several yards, yanking them along, and finally manages to struggle to his feet, and he pushes Sophie ahead...

"RUN!!!!" he yells at her, which Sophie nods, and starts bundling forward..."DONT LOOK BACK!!! JUST KEEP RUNNING!! WHATEVER HAPPENS!!"

she runs ahead, pushing branches and leaves out of her way with her arms....Her eyes stinging as the tears began to form, from fear, exhaustion, and the constant pain of the branches hitting her skin...

she looks back, Brian and Penny still slightly visible....


once again another gunshot goes off, and Sophie crumbles to the floor, behind a bush...

she whinces , her hand almost instantly rushing to her side.....her soft, white, yet dirt covered shirt is drowning in a red substance....she yelps as the tears finally started streaming down her face...she chokes, gasping for air.....the tears continuing to stream,"B-B" she couldn't scream his name....she tried to scream...she couldn't....she tries to pull herself up..


meanwhile, Brian continues to run...

but there's something wrong..

the little girl has gone limp in his grasp, as if she had passed out.


Brian can hear the crunch of footsteps gaining in them from behind, the clang of the pump, as the gunman closes in on them for a kill shot. Frantically lifting Penny onto his shoulder, Brian hobbles as quickly as possible over to the cover of the trees, but he doesn't get far before realisig he is covered in blood. the blood is streaming down the front of his shirt, soaking him, pulsating in rivulets.

But it wasn't His..

It was Penny...

"Oh God no, God no, Go no no no~" Brian lowers Penny to then soft earth laying her on her back. Her bloodless face is the colour of a bed sheet. her eyes are glassy and fixed onto the sky as she makes hiccuping noises, a tiny rivulet of blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. Penny's little shirt, a cotton T-Shirt, is soaked with deep scarlet, the ragged exit tear at least six inches in diameter, through her back and out the side of her tummy.

The gunman closes in.

Brian hurriedly lifts the child's shirt, his hand can't stanch the profuse bleeding, the gaping wound a crescent shaped mess. Brian presses his hands down on the wound.  Brian stammers and cries trying to talk to her as the oily blood seeps through his fingers, and the gunman draws nearer.

"I-Its okay, your gonna be okay, we're gonna get you fixed up. its gonna be fine, your gonna get all better . . . "

Brian tries to lift her up, Penny letting out a squeal in pain...

". . . away . . ." Penny utters a feeble whisper..

"No, Penny, no, no, don't do that . . . don't go away yet . . .not now . . don't go away!!"


another gunshot goes off, but to his surprise, it wasn't the gunman...the gunman dropped down to the ground, bleeding from then head....Brian turned, waiting to see who is masked hero was, still holding the young child...

"NO!!!!!!!!! GODDAMMIT NO!!!" Phillip throws his gun, running quickly over to them. he pushes Brian aside and drops to his knees in front of the dying child, who was now asphyxiating, drowning in her own blood. her draws her into an embrace.

"Where's Sophie?!?" he yelled at Brian, his hands pressing again the wound on Penny's body..

"I-I don't know!!" Brian whimpers.

Phillip cradles the young bloody child.

Penny expires in his arms in a breathy death rattle, her face so deathly pale it could be mistaken for porcelain..

"C'mon Punkin'. . . stay with us . . .stay with us now . . .Come on . . . stay with us . . . please stay with us . . .Punkin'? Punkin'?! Punkin'?!?!?"


"NO!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!"


Sophie is still in the floor, holding her wound...she bleeding out, but of course the young girl didn't know...she cried, tears streaming down her face. hiccuping noises were escaping her lips...


a branch snaps....Sophie tries to look but she can't move, her eyes are fixed up at the sky...this is it...

This was how she was going to die.

not by biters.



shed be with her mother soon,,,

she closed her eyes, her breathing slowing.

Maggie looked over at the girl, her eyes widening...she instantly rushed over, noting she was still breathing.

"little girl?!? hey?! sweetie?!" she called trying to get the girls attention..

Sophie's eyes weakly opened, her green eyes looking at her,

Maggie sighed in relief,"its okay. I'm gonna get you to my daddy and everythings gonna be alright..."

she slowly tried to lift the girl up, as Sophie squealed quietly in pain.

"shhh hold on, i know it hurts but its gonna be okay..,"

Maggie lifts her up in her arms.. her mind instantly thought of the little girl. Carols daughter. she was missing....could this be her?!..

"What's your name?" Maggie asked sweetly.

Sophie's breath slowed, more and more hiccuping noises escaping her mouth..."S-S-S-So~"

the girl fell limp.....

"No no no Sweetie?!? Sweetie?!?" .....


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