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She looked up to see a green cloak in front of her, wavering in the breeze slightly. As she stared at the figure in front of her she realized they were staring back at her with slanted grey eyes. She felt they could see right through her, through her slowly crumbling soul. suddenly the figure spoke. "whats your name?" She just continued to stare, unresponsive. "Oi, brat! Can't you understand me?" she widened her eyes by his sudden outburst.

after composing herself she finally spoke, "Jenna" she replied quietly. The figure seemed a little annoyed with her volume but continued to speak nonetheless.

"Jenna, stand up" he instructed her. she did as told, mentally preparing herself to be scolded or beaten for the third time that day.

It was now evening, earlier that day she had run into her father in the market place and was greeted with a few profound slurs and kicks in the stomach. To add to her misery a local gang had jumped her after seeing the scene in the market and taken what little food she had with her. Now she just sat in an alley a couple of blocks from the market trying to keep herself warm.

As she stood in front of the figure she realized was wearing a survey corps jacket and cloak, she realized she was a couple of inches taller than him. "How old are you?" He asked.

"Seventeen" she simply replied.

"What are you doing out here on the streets? why aren't you home?" the still unknown man bombarded her with questions.

"You sure ask a lot of questions." With that she earned an annoyed tsk from him. "At least tell me your name if I'm going to be telling you my personal information. it only seems fair"

"Levi, Lance Corporal Levi of the survey corps."

'Lance corporal! why would he be here? and talking to me at the very least!' Jenna thought to herself. "Okay Mr. Lance Corporal-" she was cut off.

"Levi. Just call me Levi."

"Fine. Levi, I'm out here because I ran away. I'm not going back home no matter what you or anyone else try to say to me, I would rather die out here then go back." she gave him a stern look that showed she meant business.

"Very well. But do you really plan to live the rest of your life out here? What about in a month when it's winter and the snow comes?" he asked.

"I'll probably find an old barn or something and stay in there" Jenna shrugged like it was the simplest thing ever, when in actuality she had been worrying about that for awhile now. She knew she probably wouldn't survive the winter on her own. She wasn't about to let him know that though.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. you'll freeze to death in one night." he said more harshly then he meant to. Then he sighed and asked Jenna something she didn't think he or anyone else would ever ask. "would you want to stay with me?"

Jenna stared at him in disbelief. "you can't be serious!"

"I'm not giving out charity. I'll make a deal with you, I'll let you live with me at least until you get stronger and winter ends. But you have to join the survey corps and you CAN'T tell anyone you are living with me." He stood as straight and as tall as he could manage, trying to look more intimidating (if that was even possible, he already scared the crap out if her) "so, do we have a deal brat?"

She looked at him for a moment, still in a bit of shock but quickly composed herself. "okay we have a deal, but don't call me brat." Levi made his little Tsk sound but agreed.

"Alright let's go, we have a bit of a walk to get there." he said and they walked together into the twilight.

'This is it, a new start. to finally leave the past behind me and get stronger.' Jenna thought to herself finally feeling the bit of happiness she had been longing for for so long. ' yeah, things are going to be different now.'


Hi munchkins! This is my first time actually publishing one of my stories so I hope you guys really like it! Instructive critisism is encouraged. I do not own snk just the a few added characters, like Jenna. so please continue reading, I will hopefully post a chapter every week or every other until summer starts then maybe more often. well anyway please enjoy this lil story of mine :)

- Bird-out

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