Chapter 2

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Callie P.O.V.

Today me and Austin are doing school from home. Where, me and Austin are doing L.A. right now I hate it  because I can't tell anyone I have dyslexia I'll tell you why because you're probably confused.
I have a very bad case of dyslexia anyone has ever seen I can't read anything even after years of trying to learn. I can't tell anyone because they would tell my dad or someone who would tell my dad. My dad can't know because he would hurt himself for me getting it from him because he is also a dyslexic.

Austin:Ok so we can go around and read some of the...

I have to tell him

Callie: I have to tell you something.  Austin, I'm dyslexic and I am not aloud to tell anyone cause my dad would hurt himself so please don't tell anyone here I'll tell you more if you want.

Austin:Yes, Please do.

Callie: ok so it is the worst doctors have ever seen I can't read or write and when I really try I can pass out or get really hurt. I hate it but it is also a gift cause I can do things others can't. I love singing cause I can't read and I'm not really a girly girl, exhibit A a boy is my best friend.

Austin: Wow how did I not know we've been doing school together and been in the same class for all our lives. We've been best friends all our lives and I'm finding out now. WOW.

Callie: I think we have to get back to school now

Austin: Yeah so as I was saying, we need to read stuff around the room take a picture of it and record us saying it.

Callie: ok let's go

Austin: woah woah woah you are not reading.

Callie:Yes I am you cannot stop me.

I walked over to the world records and tried to read some of them I was feeling really dizzy and then Austin can over and everything went black.

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