Chapter 4

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I just got a call from Austin and it is freaking me out Coby's daughter is in the hospital. Callie is barely breathing and Austin is all alone there at the hospital. I go over to Coby and tell him.
Tyler: Cobs Austin just called me. He said that Callie passed out and was barely breathing he called 911 and now their at the hospital.
Coby: My daughter is in the hospital, does Jo know?
Tyler: I don't think she knows. 
Coby starts to frown and looks like he's going to cry. I walk over to the others,
Tyler: Austin called and said Callie passed out and was barley breathing so he called 911. They are at the hospital now. Me and Cobs are going there you guys can too if you want.
Cory: Of course we're coming we are her uncles after all.
We get in my truck without buying anything and head to the hospital they're at.


I am in Callie's room sitting by her bed when a nurse comes in and she says that our parents and all of Dude Perfect is here. I try to wipe some tears off my face before they come in. Yes, I was crying she is my best friend who is out cold and barely breathing, so yeah I'm crying. I want her to be okay and I am scared to death about what will happen to her.
I look up and see DP all of them walking in the door and last comes in a crying Coby and they stand their in silence when Jo arrives. It had only been two minutes when she arrived and when she walked in she looked at the almost lifeless looking Callie in the bed and started balling.


She almost looks dead. My one and only daughter twin #2 Jr. looks almost dead laying in that hospital bed unconscious, and I hate I can't do anything and no one else is doing anything yet. The doctor then walks in. 
Doctor: Hello my Name is Doctor Tucker, and may I ask, who is the father.
I wonder how can she be so perky when my daughter is in the bed and looks dead. HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!


Everyone points to Coby who looks distraught, but I think somehow Jo is worse or at least looks it. The doctor walks up to Coby and Jo and then looks through some of what looks like Callie's old medical papers but I don't see why she would of been in this part if the hospital before. She has never been to the hospital except for her yearly check-up and when she was born. Coby looks about just as confused as I am. I feel super bad as I look over and see Austin look like he is falling apart while we look like we're about to only. Which makes since he is her best friend and h was there when it happened and hasn't left her sight. I walk over to Austin to see if he is ok.
Tyler: Hey, Buddy how ya doing?
Austin: Terrible.
He says sounding like he is crying, and I notice tears rolling down his cheeks slowly and I pull him in for a hug.
Tyler: It will all be ok again soon. I promise. She will get better and you two will be able to play around do school, outside, play sports, and so much more. Soon.
Then Austin starts crying harder and I take him into the hallway. Then he starts talking in between sobs.
Austin: We just sitting their in City and Coby's office in DPHQ2 doing school work and she got really dizzy and passed out. I called 911 and the lady told me to tell her what happened I told her everything. She told me to count her breathes and try to find a pulse. She told me what a pulse was too. And I got her here was what the lady said not the people me because I called and told her everything and did everything. It was me who told her where we were so she could get an ambulance here as quick as she could because her breathing was very off and her heart was barley beating. You know when your chest rises and falls when your breathing? Hers was but very slowly and only a few times per minute. It was so scary I thought she might die. She looks like she is dead in that bed right now. And that scares me so so much.
Austin said all of that and I realized this has never happened to me before I've never felt like this I don't know how to help him other than to tell him everything will be ok. Everything is alright and everyone will make it out alive.

I am so so sorry for not updating I have had a crazy school year so far an haven't had a minute to fight and I would make sit longer but I have to go do other stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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