Chapter One

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My feet hurry up the stairs as I fiddle with my dress. I ring the doorbell and wait anxiously for the door to open in the scalding heat of Vancouver. I see myself in a white lacy dress that stopped mid-thigh holding a basket of  home- made pie and muffins on the glass beside the door. A recognizable click alerts me of the person on the other side of the door. The door swings and the first thing I see are the captivating stormy silver eyes that seem to capture me frozen. When I realize that the stranger is half naked I turn my eyes away on reflex.  

"Um... Hello, my name is Isabella. I.. uh I just moved in two doors down with my roommates and just wanted to come say 'Hi' to my new neighbours." I manage to spit out maintaining eye contact with the stranger making sure not to stray my eyes elsewhere. I offer the basket in my hand to him and wait for him to say something. A very painful two minutes later he finally accepts the basket. He doesn't seem like he is going to continue the conversation any further so I conclude, "Oh.. well. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around!" I turn back to rush out but a warm hand on my wrist holds me back. I look back at him to find him staring at his hand holding my wrist. I take this time to notice this god of a man. Silver eyes, dirty blonde hair and dark pink full lips. His torso was exposed and carried a hint of green and black dried streaks here and there. Is that... paint? His pyjamas hung low and I bet a million dollars... his butt was made to be bitten into. 

"I'm Anthony." His voice demands my attention back to his captivating eyes. Anthony. Such a sexy name for a sexy man. His voice was chocolate rolled into sex. He was striking. "Hello, Anthony it is nice to meet you." I say but he still doesn't let go of my hand. I lightly twist my wrist to let him know but he still doesn't let go. I prepare myself to tell him but he interrupts me off, "Would you like to come in?" Stranger Danger is the first thing that crosses my mind. Trust me I wanted to say no but somehow I find myself agreeing to him. He leads me inside and puts the basket on the table beside the door.

"Did you make these?" He asks. 

"No" I let out a breathy laugh, "I can't cook for the life of me. My roommates did that." He hums in return.

He leads me down the hallway towards what looks like is the kitchen. I look around and find myself entranced by his home. It was breathtaking. From the outside it looked like just any other normal home but from the inside, It was airy and light and open. He had no walls on the back of his home. Just huge glass windows which over looked his backyard that was covered by trees. Complete privacy. "What would you like to drink?" he inquires. 

"Um.. ice tea?" I ask.

"I have that somewhere. I'll be back. Why don't you wait here?" He asks and disappears inside while I wait here in the living room overlooking the kitchen. But littered all over the walls were paintings. The walls were pale coloured and the only splash of colour were the paintings that seemed to bring the place alive. I feel something warm blowing on the back of my neck as a hand rests on my shoulder. I turn to face the man to find him standing very close to me. His hand outstretched he offers me my drink. I take a sip in through the straw and the cold sweet flavour explodes my mouth.  

"What do you do, Isabella?" This is the first time he has said my name and I think I am just about ready to explode with the amount of estrogen in my system.  

"I'm studying Physics at the university. Last year. What do you do?" I ask.

"I paint" was his short reply. Guess he's not into conversations then. 

"So all these paintings are yours?" I ask bewildered walking towards the one that I liked the most. 'DEAMHAN' it read. Just below it- Anthony was written in very intricate cursive. "What language is that?"

"Irish" he replies. I look at him waiting to elaborate but he doesn't he just stands that looking right back at me. When he doesn't I continue back to my observations.

"I'm guessing it means 'Demon'?"


The painting illustrated a woman dressed in white gown looking fierce and brave challenging the monster that surrounds her with huge red eyes. It was illustrated on a black canvas and the entire canvas was the demon's body surrounding her but never quite touching her. The whole painting was a mix of red, grey and black shades  and the only splash of white on it was  the woman. So beautiful. 

"You think so?" He suddenly interrogated making me realize that I had said it out loud. 

"Yes." This time I was the one who didn't elaborate and went back to admiring the painting. A phone blares startling me. I jump realizing it was mine. I left my phone in the living room ottoman. I turn around and rush towards it, happy for the intrusion. It read, "Pete Calling". I accepted the call.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey! Isabella! I'm glad you picked up! Listen, the assignment that's due tomorrow? Did you do it? I'm stuck! I need help! Help me! Save me!" He gushes dramatically and a giggle escapes me.

"Dude, calm down first of all! Secondly, I did the assignment, give me 20 minutes, I'll send you an email regarding the answers, okay? And then I'll explain them to you tomorrow. Sound good?" I mutter.

"YES! You're a life saver! I love you!" Another giggle escapes me. Pete was ever the dramatic one. His theatrics never went unnoticed whenever we hung out together out in public 

"Alright, I'll see you tom." I say and cut off the call. "I'm so sorry I had to take that. It was my friend and he needed some help with a thing tomorrow." I say to Anthony who just stares passively at me, "I'm really sorry." 


On my way back I think back to how the conversation went. He didn't say anything after my apology and I muttered some gibberish about getting home and hauled out of there. That guy oozed sex and danger all rolled into one. And he had fried my brain off in just fifteen minutes. I needed to stay away from him for the sake of his safety. Anthony could be everything a girl could ever want but his conversation skills were a bit rusty. OKAY. Now moving on. It's unlikely he'll even remember me when he sees me again.

After I dress for bed and email Peter I walk to the kitchen to find some food when the doorbell rings. I look at the clock on the microwave, '22:49' it said. Odd. Who might it be at this time of the night. Both my roommates are out with their respective boyfriends. They're not going to come back. I pull at the hem of my pyjama bottoms and proceed towards the door. Swinging it open I find myself starstruck at the person beyond. It was Anthony.

Author's Note:

I have been getting a lot of people complaining about my stories going off Wattpad. So this is for everyone on Wattpad. I have had a huge writer's block these last two months and it might take me a while getting in the hang of writing. Please bear with me. I apologize for any grammar errors. 

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