Chapter 14: This Could Be My Last Hurrah

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Chapter 14: This Could Be My Last Hurrah


"Shit!" Dean curses as he rapidly spins the steering wheel to right the path of the Impala as they race through the night. He glances over his shoulder to gauge the distance of the demons chasing them, sparing a look at his siblings as well. "You guys alright?" he asks them, his voice strained.

Another round of shots ring out uncomfortably close to the Impala.

"Peachy!" Tabitha sarcastically throws back, hurriedly rolling down the window next to her on the driver's side.

Sam holds his bleeding arm, urging his brother, "Drive faster, Dean."

"I can't!" Dean growls in return, glancing again in the rearview mirror before looking to his brother again. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm amazing," Sam answers, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You ever seen that many?" Dean asks, looking over his shoulder once more when he hears the increased rush of wind from behind him.

"What the hell!" Dean exclaims, spotting his sister pushing her upper body through the now open window behind him.

"Jesus Christ!" Sam shouts, flinging his upper body into the backseat to grasp at Tabitha's legs when she leans backwards even further out the window, now sitting on the ledge and firing wildly at the demons chasing them.

Laughing a little manically, Tabitha replies, "Don't think JC's gonna be any help, Sammy!"

In response to Sam's angry mutters, she only leans out further away from the car to get a better aim, relying on her brother alone to keep ahold of her and stop her from falling.

"Hang tight!" she advises her younger brother with a laugh, pumping the sawed-off and taking aim once more at their pursuers.

"In the car!" Dean screams, eyes on the road ahead of them. "Turn! Turn! All passengers must remain INSIDE the car at all times!"

"Dammit, Tabitha!" Sam groans, heaving his weight into jerking her back into the car just as Dean spins the wheel and makes a wild turn along the road. The centrifugal force throws Tabitha back against the passenger side of the car, somehow allowing Sam to right himself in the front seat. But before he can round on his sister for her antics, the car screeches to a halt, all three siblings bracing themselves from being thrown forward as they silently stare ahead at the flaming vehicle barricading the road.

"Awesome," Tabitha groans under her breath, pumping her sawed-off shotgun again.

"Damn it!" Dean exclaims, starting to throw the Impala in reverse, cutting the wheel hard to change directions.

But he barely has the car moving backwards from the fire when the windows shatter as demons reach through to grab the three of them.

As her brothers struggle to shove the demons out of the front of the car, Tabitha slams the butt of her shotgun into the face of the demon grappling for her, and then quickly jumps out of the car after him, firing a round of rock salt into his chest and knocking him to the ground.

Before she can stalk closer, a stream of water sprays over the demon, causing him to scream and writhe on the ground. Stepping back from the water, Tabitha tracks its path back to a strangely converted old fire truck, where several distinctly civilian appearing men gather around it, one running the fire hose from the top. As the demons fight towards the fire truck presumably spraying Holy Water at them, one of the men steps a little apart from the others, raising a bullhorn to his mouth as he begins reciting something. It sounds like Enochian to her, and as she watches, the demons around the car smoke out of the bodies they'd possessed, the now freed bodies falling to the pavement with heavy thuds. 

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