Chapter 7: Everything Can Change

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Chapter 7: Everything Can Change


Riding once more in the back seat of the Impala, Tabitha read lore books trying to figure out what she could about Ragarus. Her own experience with them had been limited to the carnage she'd seen in Nebraska on the case where she'd met Collin years before.

She was inclined to agree with Travis and Dean about what had to be done with Jack—tragic or not—but she wouldn't turn down her younger brother's request that they find out more. Death was permanent. And if they could research and find something else to help the otherwise painfully normal Jack, she was willing to put in the time. And the headaches of trying to read in a moving vehicle.

"What is that?" Sam suddenly asked from the front seat, setting his own research down, and turning the radio down to listen to the faint sound. "Is that a phone ringing?" he continued as he opened the glove box and searched through the phones there.

Tabitha paused in her intent task, listening as well.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, dropping her work and pawing through her large handbag as she told them, "It's my personal cell."

Dean glanced at her in the review, but didn't slow down his speed. They'd been coming back from supper after surveilling Jack-the-could-be-Rugaru and then gathering research material to look up more information on whether or not Jack could keep from fully transforming into a man-eating monster. 

"Hey Cheryl," Tabitha spoke into her phone, seeing the name on her display. "What's up?"

"Tabitha," Cheryl sighed, sounding relieved. "I'm so glad I finally got a hold of you."

Tabitha sat up straighter in the back seat. "Why? What's wrong, Cheryl?"

But her friend and coworker kept talking as if she hadn't heard her. "I've been calling your FBI number for hours. I finally decided to try your personal cell on the off chance you were still using it," she babbled.

"Cheryl!" Tabitha called, trying to rein in her friend. "What's wrong? Why have you been trying to reach me?"

The woman sputtered on the other end of the line, seeming to stop and start several times, unsure where to start.

"Start at the beginning," she calmly told her friend, her unease building by the second. Cheryl wasn't normally prone to hysterics. She was generally a calm and collected agent. One of the reasons they had built a loose friendship. Cheryl worked in a different division, but out of the same office, so they often got together when they were both around. In fact, they both lived outside of Richmond in Varina, just down the same street from each other. Cheryl had helped her find the modest but well-kept house, and they looked after each other’s homes more often than they were both around to see each other.

She heard Cheryl sigh deeply on the other end. "Well, I thought about calling you a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't want to disturb you if it turned out to be nothing—"

"If what turned out to be nothing?" Tabitha interrupted in frustration.

"OPR has been in the Richmond office for almost two weeks," Cheryl hissed through the phone line. "And it took a while, but I finally got one of those guys to tell me who they're looking into. He didn't think it was a big deal telling me since I'm not in Violent Crimes but in Victim Services—"

Tabitha hissed back at her, "Who Cheryl? Who are they looking into?"

"They're looking into Casey. Going through old case files, and they're looking for something, missing case files I think. And only one reason they wouldn't have called his partner in, too." She had trailed off, letting Tabitha draw her own conclusion.

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