Coming Home

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It was Monday morning on a spring day where it was the first day of Degrassi's amumi week.

A brownish, blue eyed young woman got out the car as a tall guy with a smirk helped her out "thank you so much Eli" the woman smiles. "You're welcome Clare" Eli smiled as he kissed Clare softly as the turn to face a building in front of them as they walked towards the entrance as Clare turned to Eli "it's feel like yesterday I just graduated"

"I know and I told you that you have beautiful eyes" he smirked smiles "yes and the first time you said that was when we met you got out of that herse" Clare said as Eli noded "that was when I knew that you will be my soulmate".


"Come on the school is thi way" Emma said to her children as she lead them into the school as Spinner followed behind with a buggy.

Manny Santos was walking as she sees her best friend "EMMA" she runs over with her heeled boots. Emma looks up "Manny" she hugs her best friend "how are you I heard you were moving back for a while to shoot a tv series" Emma said happily as Manny nods "yeah and you wow you I heard you had your trid" she smiles as she sees the baby in the pram.


"Name" the young girl said at the desk.

"Hun I think you know who I am" Paige said

"Name please" the girl said

"Paige Michaelchuck oh and I made this school sweetie when I was here hun" Paige smiled as the girl was stunned "I am so sorry wait you invented power squad" Lola smiled as Paige noded "well it was Sprit squad but yes" she smiled as Lola gave her a name tag as Paige walked in.


Holly J walks into the halls as she sees a face she knew it was Fiona so she walks over quickly "Fiona" she hugged the dark haired beauty. "I have not seen you in a month when I graduated from university, and how are you and my brother" she tease jokely. "We broke up again and for good this time and I hope this doesn't change anything between us Fi" Holly J said as Fiona noded "Holly J we will always be best friends you know that" Fiona smiles.


Bianca and Drew got back together the summer after Drew graduated and now they are married and a baby on the way.

Drew smiles at Bianca "I can't believe it's been 3 years since I walked through these halls and the mistakes I made in my last year" "we both made them and my biggest regret was letting you go but I glad you took me back" Bianca said as she looked at Drew. "B you know I always love you no matter what".

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