Rolling in the Deep

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Manny followed Emma in the halls as she walks up to her “Em what happened between you and Sean” she said softy as she leaned against a locker. “Manny I made a mistake” she cried as she rested her head on the locker. “what’s the mistake” Manny sighed. “we made out but I regret the kiss but on the other hand my feelings for him rushed back and now I am a cheater and I have no idea what to do”.

“Em, sweetie you need to tell Spinner and we both know what happened when Jane cheated on him”. “how I'm I going to tell Spinner it will break his heart” she cried as Manny hugged her.

Darcy was still comforting her sister “are you ready to go back in Clare” she said softy as Clare noded “Thanks Darcy” she smiled slightly as both of them stood up and started to walk back in the gym as they past Emma and Manny. “Darcy is that you” Manny said as Darcy and Clare turn around to walk over to her and Emma. “how are you two I heard you are an actress in Hollywood Manny and you Em you are married to my ex Spinner so how’s married life then” Darcy smiled.

“Well it is going great untill my ex who was love of my life before he left to go to war Sean kissed me had a make out and I know what you going to say cheating is a sin” Emma explained.

“Emma you need to tell him” Darcy said as she crossed her arms. “my sister is right he needs to know and I can speak on experience because I have been cheated on but that is in the past and I love Eli”.

Emma sighed "I guess I need to tell him" "good luck" Manny said as she hugged Emma.

Emma let go as she walked down the hall that lead back into the gym hall to tell Spinner what happened.

Clare left Darcy catching up with Manny as she sees Eli so she walked over to him "hey" she said softy.

Eli side smirked at her "hi Edwards is everything ok" he looked at her concerned. "yeah... just catching up with my sister" Clare smiled up at Eli as they walked back in the hall.

back in the gym hall Emma walks up to Spinner and Jimmy "Jimmy and Trina can you look after my kids while I have a talk with Spinner". Jimmy looked at Spinner and Emma and could sense somthing was uo "sure" he said as Emma took Spinner to a table to tell him that she kissed Sean.

''what did you want to talk about Em?" Spinner said as Emma took a deep breath "I am so sorry but Sean and I kissed".

Spinner was trying to hide his anger as he got up and went to find Sean while Emma was sitting there about to cry.

Later that night Emma took her kids to her old home at the Nelson's.

"Mum can you take the kids tonight please I have to deal with somting" Emma said as she hurried the kids in the livingroom.

"is everything okay Emma" Spike said to her daughter as she hugged the kids.

"yeah... just somthing happened and I have to fix it." she put on a fake smile as she hugged her mum and headed out the house and got in her car.

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