Chapter 4

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Vasira was stuck. Her father had a sword aimed at his own daughters throat. "I knew the moment you took your first look at the sea I'd kill you." Vasira risked pulling at her shoulder.

It was either agonizing pain. Or be killed.

Jones struck the side of his daughters head with the hilt of his sword, sending her sprawling on the deck. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

A few hours later

Vasira woke up, her hands where bound together, as where her ankles. She realised that her shoulder had been put back into place.

In the distance The Black Pearl bobbed on the water. Jack stood at the head of the ship, his telescope trained on The Flying Dutchman. "I don't like it. There is no movement on their deck." Will came up to Jack's side "What do you mean?" Jack held out the telescope. "Look if you will Mr Turner"

As Will kept and eye on the ship, Jack readied a lifeboat. He sailed it towards The Flying Dutchman with Mr Gibbs.

On board Vasira was pushed towards the edge. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. A boat is no place for a woman!" He snarled the last sentence in her face before pushing her overboard.

As she toppled backwards she took a deep breath and braced herself against the cold flush of the water.

The next thing she saw was fish, swimming above her head. She heard blood rushing through her ears. Then nothing.

Jack dived into the water after her, powering through the water after her. Following the trail of bubbles. Just before he got to her, Vasira knocked her head against a rock, her mouth opened. Letting go of the rest of the air. Jack panicked for a split second before catching her, wrapping his arm around her. He kicked off the rocks and swam back up to the surface.

Mr Gibbs saw the pair, he bent down and took Vasira off Jack who clambered onto the boat. They began to revive her.

She coughed and spat water from her lungs, breathing heavily. Hungrily sucking at the oxygen. A look of relief spread across Jack's face. He put an arm around her shoulders in a bid to stop her shivering. "Don't scare me like that again..."
"Why's that Captain Sparrow?"
Jack sighed "Because I said so Captain Jones."

He smiled slightly as she looked into his eyes, his heart fluttered slightly.

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