Part Two: Girl Who Cried Ten

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The courtyard was empty by the time Mya decided to head in. Hallways were vacant, foot falls echoed around the walls as other students scrambled to their own rooms, and Mya was alone. She was in no hurry though. She walked down the linoleum tiles and kept her hand against the lockers, feeling their cool metal and hearing their metallic sounds as she went by.

Mya entered her science class and dropped her bag, then slouched down in a desk, looking at the table top. Mrs. Greene, her teacher, looked up over a text book she was reading to the class and cleared her throat. Mya glanced up.

"Nice of you to join us today, Miss. Stevens." Holding the incriminating gaze of Mrs. Greene, Mya smirked coyly. "Good to be here." Her teacher stared at her for a little while longer before going back to reading the textbook. During that time, Mya whipped out a notebook and black ink ballpoint pen and began drawing. She tuned the class out as her imagination started running wild. She started out with tiny flowers, decorating the border of her page, then moved in with drawing people. She admitted to herself a long time ago that drawing wasn't a skill she really had, but the aspect of it made her feel normal. She didn't care if it wasn't spectacular, just as long as she could doodle for distraction. She even hoped that with the practice, she would actually create some beautiful art.

Mya was just beginning to sketch her background, when something hit the back of her head. She choose to ignore the abuse and went back to her drawing's sky. Mya couldn't help but start to sketch three moons, just like her vivid dreams showed. Besides the horror that follows the scene immediately after, the sky was something she truly did wish she could see one day.

Another hit came at the back of her head, and Mya slowly raised hers, gritting her teeth and clenching her knuckles. She slowly turned around and saw the culprits. It was Harry and his side kick in crime, Charles. They were giggling so hard Mya thought one of them was sure to fall out of their chair. She gave a dark scowl and turned back around. She was too irritated to continue sketching, so she looked up at the board to see what the rest of the class was so attentive at listening to. Mrs. Greene had set down the textbook on her desk and was now standing up, using a pointer stick to teach her lesson on the solar system.

"When it is night time, the sky isn't just made up of those shiny dots in the sky, which we call stars. There's so much more out there beyond earth. So much, in fact, we haven't even discovered a quarter of it." She enthusiastically spoke, and the other students were latched onto her every word. Mya gave little interest and now that she was coming down from her irritate high, she went back to drawing.

"This diagram that I am pointing at is OUR solar system. This, and just slightly outside of it, is all we have had access to explore. Even inside our solar system, we have not discovered as much as we have wanted." Mya glanced up at her diagram and was shocked when her mind blanked and there was a single moment of something. It was an image, flashing across her eyes, with a large planet. One she had never seen before. It went away before she could catch the description. Now Mya's full attention was on the diagram, slowly examining the planets. None looked exactly like what she saw. She definitely knew so because the image flashed up again, this time staying still for a few moments longer. It was in the midst of a dark and never ending sky, bigger than earth and far more colorful. Instead of green and yellow shades of grass with seas of blue, the atmosphere took on a mix between orange, yellow, and pink. There was even a shimmer as the colors kept constantly moving, like a never ending snow globe. The image blinked away again and left Mya speechless.

"These different sized orbs," Mrs. Greene continued, circling the solar system. "Are planets. There is nine. A brief discrepancy came up a few years ago appointing this small guy right here, to not be a planet." Mrs. Greene was directly pointing to the smallest planet on her diagram and continued on. "This is our sun, as you all very well know. It keeps us warm during the summer months, and keeps our world bright. Sometimes though, she can be an unforgiving mistress, sending up UV rays that can harm our skins. The Sun is not a planet though. Anyone want to guess what she could be?" Mrs. Greene left the question open to the class, and all hands went up except of course, Mya's. The fastest though, was a petite and sassy girl by the name of Bailey.

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