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"So I told Michal that I wanted to get married in summer because there's no way I'm not using a lace dress because it's too cold and guess what?" She took one of the cookies and glanced down at it. "This is such a pretty cookie" she said, "Anyway, we are getting married in summer! How exciting is that?"

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you!" I replied excitedly. I felt Harry's hand lightly press against my thigh, and I took it and put it on my lap, massaging his knuckles reassuringly.

"I know right? I can't wait to start organising it all. It's gonna be so fun! By the way, when did this carpet get so soft, Harry? I'm loving it" she said letting her fingers run over the fabric.

"I guess it's always been like that, you just never sat on it" he replied.

All of sudden, I heard a really loud noise coming from outside, as if someone was knocking on something. But the thing was, they weren't knocking against Harry's door.

"Should we check who it is?" Gemma said apprehensively, but I shook my head.

"Nothing to worry about. You were saying?"

We tried to resume our previous conversation, but not even a minute after the knocking became loud banging, and I stood up after having let go of Harry's hand.

"Just stay here" I told them, making my way to the front door and pressing my body against it to hear what was happening outside.

The banging didn't stop, it just grew stronger and louder as time went on. I wonder what they could've possibly be knocking on. It wasn't Harry's door, and the house in front of it was completely empty, so it couldn't have been that one as well. Was it some really loud relative of the old couple leaving next to Harry's house? Or, maybe -

"Grace! Open this door right now!"

It was my door. I flinched at the realisation. Was it Louis? It didn't really look like something Louis would do and say though, he didn't have that much confidence when it came to talking to me. Besides, it didn't sound like Louis at all.

"For fuck's sake Grace!"

Was it... Niall?

"What's going on?" Gemma whispered walking next to me from the living room.

"I think it's Niall, so nothing to worry about. I don't know why he's so stressed though" I replied, stepping away from the door and speaking lowly to make sure the conversation we were having right in front of the front door would've stayed between those walls.


"My best friend, so really, it's not a problem" I repeated, trying to reassure her.

"Why is he acting like that?" She asked confusedly.

"I think he's pissed, I don't really know why though. I'll go out to find out, and also to stop him from throwing down my door" I replied, "Can you go check on Harry and make sure he's okay while I do that? I think he might not be that comfortable with all these noises" I added whispering to make sure he wouldn't have heard me.

"He was gripping your hand kind of really tight, so I guess you're right. Just, be fast? And stop your friend from being that loud, it's just plain rude" she said.

"Sure thing" I replied, "I'll be back in five." I opened the door and walked out into the hallway.

Niall was turned, as I had supposed, to my door. At the sound of Harry's door opening and closing, he turned around. His hair, usually perfectly styled, was messy, and he had a bit of a stubble going on.

"Grace what the fuck?" He said as soon as he saw me leaning against the door.

"Let's go into my house, you're causing a scene here" I said taking the key to my front door out of my pocket and unlocking the door.

We walked in, and I closed the door behind us.

"Here, let's walk into my living room. What's up?" I asked him, a bit pissed by his rude behaviour.

"What's up? Are you really asking me what's up?"

"I don't think I'm following" I said confusedly.

"Oh really? Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes, I am. If there's a problem, you should talk about it. Because you know, I can't read your mind."

"Is that so? Well, then let me explain what I'm talking about, since that apparently you have no clue, right?" He said, passing a hand through his hair while glaring at me. "It's been over a fucking month since the last time we talked. You haven't searched for me, you haven't called me, fuck, you haven't even texted me!"

"I... I'm sorry, I've been busy" I replied.

"You've been busy? What was it of so important that you had to do? More important than your own best friend!" He shouted.

"First of all, I think you should calm down. There's no need for shouting here. Second of all, I've had some things going on in my life, really important things, so I'm sorry if I haven't got in touch with you lately."

"What was it? Is it that damn boyfriend of yours? You know what Grace, this is the problem with you. You have no sense of measure. As soon as you get attached to someone, you act like they hung up the moon and the stars, and that's just ridiculous."

"Don't talk about things you know nothing about."

"So I'm right! It is that boyfriend of yours! You really have no sense of measure, the fuck."

"Listen, it's not about sense of measure or whatever. A lot of things have happened that required my attention, you're not the only important person in my life, get over it."

"I think I deserve better than this shit!"

"Come again?" I replied, starting to get angry, "I spent the last five months helping you whenever you needed it! I literally helped you to go out with Zayn, for how fucked up it sounds! You have no right to call me a bad friend, because I've done nothing to you, I've been here for you and helped you since the first day! But I do have a life and other people to care about, and if I want Harry to be one of those people, then so be it! Don't oppose to love just because you've known nothing but passion."

"Listen to you, talking about love! What do you know of love? Nothing! You're so fast at calling it love, but guess what? One day he'll get tired! And who will be there to pick up the pieces? Surely not your dear Harry! I will!"

"You know nothing about our relationship. So please, just don't."

"Of course, saying nothing because you know I'm right, aren't you?"

"No, it's only because you're saying bullshit. Besides, I don't think I've ever got a call from you" I said, shutting him up instantly. "I see, getting pissed at me for not talking to you, and then you've literally done the same! Just go away. I have no time for this right now." I walked to the front door and I opened it.

"You know what, you've changed" he said while getting out of the door and making his way fast towards the lift.

"I've never changed. You have, and your world has been spinning way too fast for you to notice" I replied behind him, not even sure that he had heard me at all.

He walked into the lift and went away, as I leant against the wall, closing my eyes and sighing, recollecting myself before walking into Harry's house again.

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