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A week later


I looked in front of me, my hand softening the smooth pale pink fabric of my dress. Harry was standing in front of me, on the other side of the carpet, a dark blue, almost black, suit on, a small white flower pinned on its pocket.

He turned his head, as if he could sense my gaze on him, and offered me a small smile, his bright green eyes shining in the peculiar light, before turning his head again.

I did the same as a middle aged man cleared his throat. "Welcome, family, friends and loved ones" he started, his voice becoming clearer and clearer as he kept speaking, "We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Michal and Gemma."

A soft wind blew, making Gemma's white veil move, and messing up Harry's dark hair. He passed a hand through it in a fast move, putting it back in place.

As the man kept speaking I took my time to take in everything that was surrounding me. Despite having been directly involved in the preparations for the wedding, it still amazed me to no end. The white roses behind the man seemed even brighter than they were that morning.

"Will you, Michal, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" The man said all of sudden.

"I will" Michal replied, a smile on his face.

"Will you, Gemma, take this man to be your wedded husband?"

I heard her take a shaky breath before replying. "I will."

I looked at Harry again. He had a wide smile on his face, and his eyes were a bit glossy. I knew I probably didn't look that much different. He stood up straighter, giving me another little glance as well.

"Bride, please give your bouquet to your maid of honour."

Gemma turned towards me to give me her bouquet, the same light of pure happiness I had seen on Michal's face shining through her eyes.

"I now ask you to declare your vows. Face each other, please, and hold hands."

I heard a sigh coming from the first line as they recited their marriage vows, and I turned to see a woman, that I supposed was Michal's mother, cry holding the hand of her husband. She was smiling, and I couldn't help but smile again as well.

"May I have the rings?"

As they exchanged the rings Gemma let out a little cry, earning a small teary laugh from Michal.

Harry and I joined the couple at the table to sign the marriage documents as witnesses when we were asked, before returning to our places.

The man stayed silent for some seconds, his deep brown eyes looking at every single person in front of him, before speaking. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Michal leant down and pressed his lips against Gemma's, suffocating her cries into their kiss, as everyone stood up, cheering for them.

The ceremony was over.

Gemma turned around to look at me, her hand grasped in Michal's, a glint in her eyes. "Grace, I'm fucking married!" She whispered excitedly, making me laugh, before rushing down the white carpet with Michal.

All of sudden, she stopped. "I almost forgot!" She said loud enough for me to hear, before turning around and throwing her bouquet behind her.

I laughed as a bunch of girls, friends and family, tried their best to catch it.

"It surprises me that you haven't tried your luck with the bouquet" a deep voice said into my ear, and I turned my head, meeting Harry's green eyes.

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