The End

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The chest sat on the Pines' kitchen table.

"Ok, one more thing," Stan said as he removed the locks. "No matter what is in this box, we are still family."

"We are the Pines," Martha nodded. Stan, Ford, their parents, their grandpa, and Bella were gathered around the table.

"One... two... three!"

Stan cracked open the lock and opened the chest to reveal gold jewelry and treasures.

"Oh my god!" Grandpa breathed. They all murmured is disbelief and Stan beamed, hugging Bella to his chest. Everyone in the family began rooting through the chest.

"Ok, hold on," Stan spoke up. "Before we do anything, I think that it's only fair that half of whatever is in this box goes to my girlfriend, Bella McCreary."

"Aw... you wanna go halfsies," Martha said. "Well-"

"Did you say 'McCreary'?" Grandpa interrupted.

"Yeah...?" Bella nodded. Grandpa laughed and cupped her face, kissing the top of her head. Filbrick pulled out a small stack of checks and looked them over.

"Oh my god," Martha gaped. "Is that really worth $25000?"

"Hold on, check the date, though," Ford said. He took the check and looked it over. "1905."

"What's it worth, sweetie?" Martha asked.

"Today? Nearly $623000," Ford said. Everyone murmured in shock. Filbrick took the checks back and flipped through them.

"One for us, one for Ms. McCreary. One for us, one for Ms. McCreary."


Grandpa stood outside, smoking a cigarette. The city bus began to pull up.

"Kids!" He called. Stan, Ford, and Bella came outside. Bella stared at the bus and Stan squeezed her hand comfortingly. The girl nodded and went down the stairs towards the bus. Its doors opened and a man escorted a woman off.

"Right this way, ma'am."

"Thank you," the woman said. She stepped into the street, looking at Bella. The two of them stared at each other before running and hugging. The two of them sobbed happily as they embraced.

"I love you, I love you."

So, Bella was able to hire her own team of private investigators. Turns out her mom had been looking for her, too.

Bella's mom kissed her forehead.

"I love you," Bella murmured. Stan and Ford smiled, watching the two reunited.

And that's how the great-great grandson of Elya Pines and the great-great-great granddaughter of the Hand Witch became next-door neighbors and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Bella cheered as she ran and dove into the backyard pool. 

Camp Green Lake was closed, and the campers released for time served and sent to real counselors.

An ex-camper slid down the slide into the water.

They say Camp Green Lake will be reopened soon as a real camp. At least they won't have to worry about lizards anymore- just as long as the campers eat lots of onions.

Bella popped up out of the water by Ford and Robot, grinning and splashing water at them.

"Hey!" Ford pulled his book away so it wouldn't get hit. "Be careful."

"Why'd ya even bring a book to a pool party anyway, Ford?" Bella asked, snickering.


"Let's see what you've got, kid."

"Ok! Yes!" Ford smiled and sweated nervously. "Well, what if I told you that the future of technology was beneath this sheet?"

He removed the sheet, revealing the perpetual motion machine he had built. The admissions team murmured to themselves as they looked over the machine.

"Kid, I think you're perfect West Coast Tech material," one man smiled.

"Yes!" Ford cheered. "Thank you so much!"


I guess you have to fill in the rest of the holes yourself.

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