When tradagy strikes!

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As we were lying there looking up at the clouds, all the sudden it started to lightly rain. The rain got harder and harder till it reached the point of thundering. Bobby pulled me up and we started running through the rain.

 We were almost at Bobby's house, we did the usual run up the hill, over the bridge, and across the road.

''Do you wanna have a race?" Bobby asked.

''Now that is a challenge i'll accept,'' I said.

Unexpectedly Bobby started running at full speed, I nearly caught up to him but then I started to get tired. Bobby was still running, he was half way through the road.

I started to walk until Bobby got hit by a car. I screamed with out realizing and ran to him.

I kneeled down and rested my hand on his face.

''Are you OK,'' I said to quick for me to understand. He looked terrible. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and called the ambulance. They were on there way. I picked Bobby up and put him on the side of the road away from cars.

''Your'e gonna be alright,'' I said worryingly.

I didn't want to stress him out! I kissed him on the fore head,

''I love you,'' he said.

 I wiped my eyes that were full of tears.

''I love you too,'' I replied.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny blue box, he pulled my arm and sat the shiny blue box in my hand.

''What is it?'' I asked.

''It used to be my mothers before she died,'' he said.

I looked in the box to see a necklace with a beautiful  blue sapphire gem, and a matching pair of earrings.

''It's beautiful,'' I said with tears filling my eyes again.

Bobby was about to say something, but he stopped to cough. He put his hand over his mouth and coughed harder, he pulled his hand off and stared at the hand full of blood he just coughed up.

I stared at his hand, with pain in my head from severe worry.

''Ella,'' he said.

''Im not going to make it,''he mumbled.

 All you could hear was the ambulance, until Bobby to a big breath and started to close his eyes.

''Bobby!'' I screamed.

''Please Bobby don't leave me,'' I screamed again.

He was gone, I couldn't believe it I felt pain in my heart. The ambulance only just pulled up. I stood back. Noise filled the air, doors slamming, people running, and I was just standing there as if I was paralyzed.

''He's gone,'' I said as I felt more tears then ever rolling down my face.

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