valentine kid

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would i seem to desperate if i called him?

tom pondered. it was either sit in his room all day and do nothing or call tord. it was 11am, and tom had just woken.

he looked around the room blankly as if one of the items around the house would help him decifer an answer.

oh, but the choice was obvious!

he wasnt going to do either of those things. today he was going go to go..


why he wanted to go their was unknown, but everything did happen there. it was the main street of the town. all the cafes and fun stores were there.

he also had heard there was a nice flower shop there. so thats where he was going to go.

but he also needed to look presentable. which required a nice outfit.

rummaging through his closet he managed to find a shirt that had been through the washing machine too many times that the design was coming off.

it was a dark gray t shirt that had a torn british flag on it. printing atop the flag in spiky white letters it read


def leppard was an old time band that tom still loved to this day. he also still loved that shirt.

so he put it on, but the only downside of that was his wrists.

they were fully visable, and even though there was only a couple fresh red cuts that stood out from the other faded pink ones, you could still see it.

dang, he was looking forward to strolling downtown in his def leppard tee.


his lovely mind came up with the idea of wrist bands. they did most of the job, leaving the corners and edges of some wounds peeking out from below, it was better than nothing.

and with that, he left for downtown.

the stores grew closer together and the people became a bit more chatty. he began to doubt his clothing choice for today was another foggy day. there was no sun, just grey clouds and cold weather.

the small restaurants were packed with couples, which was unusual. the restaurants were pretty expensive on main street. maybe there was a special today. discount, something along the lines of that.

he passed a small vintage ice cream parlor where he saw a couple sharing s small bowl of mint ice cream. he tried his best to ignore it because it reminded him of how lonely he was. coming here was supposed to take his mind off of things, right?

well, it wasnt doing that good of a job.

well, tom was happy on his own.

he passed a store selling retro items. there were records, band merchandise and black and white movies. seemed interesting enough.

he opened the door, triggerering a bell to go off. some of the chipped red paint from the door stuck to his fingertips, which he just brushed off. he immediatley set off towards the records section.

even though he didnt have a record player, he would buy them for the aesthetic. he would display it on a shelf and leave it there like a trophy. 

that is, if he bought one. 

he looked through all the big disks in the plastic packages and read the print that listed the songs contained in the record. there was really no songs he liked, better yet he had heard of. he expected there to be some def leppard, since he was popular during the time period records were. but to his surprise, there was no trace of def leppard anywhere. 

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