the character

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this are the character..

Sally Torminez

she is very cute...but for other people they think she stink..she alwaysa being bullied by the beautyfull girls...people never recognize her cuteness all they think that sally is a slut..but when she have a friend name JANE AND KRIS she feel much safer...but theres a secret hidden here...

and the next character is her best friend her name is Jennie Lorter

her nickname is Jane..

she always help her friend sally..

she always give advice to her friend..sally was thankfull that she have a friend like her

the next is her 2nd best friend

kris...he is a one handsome guy he is charming,cute,smartness and all that you can thinks of a good guy...he always help sally from the bullies...and sally always help him....

and the next is Sally's enemy Dorothy Minfo

Dorothy always bullies sally,kris dont know about this...kris only know that Dorothy is a one beauty full girl with a innocent heart and soul...but all kris thinks about her is not the true her

they are studying in Yung Shi High school....the most popular school in korea.


why sally hates dorothy..

cause she treats sally a garbage..-.-

and she always bully sally...


sally have a feeling for wu fan or should i say kris...

but sally knew that dorothy have a feeling or him too..


sally is been thinking quite sometimes..

why doesnt kris notice her the same way he notice Dorothy..Dorothy is the bad one but why it feels like i should be the one who suffer...


Dorothy help him always...but i help him to...but why doesnt he notice me the same way he notice that girl...


i am kris friend...i always their for him i always give him advice or something...


why doesnt he notice my looks..

why dont he feel the sameway..

now i knew, friend is only kris think about me...


What do she have that i dont have...

What if i was Dorothy will he love me..


I am tinkerbell,

he is my peter pan,

and dorothy is his wendy...


will i have a chance  to be wendy


stay being a tinkerbell ...until they became together...





this is a wonderfull start of a fairy tale...


me: hey guys pls vote or comment if you like it hehehe ^-^

tao:stay tunes in this story

kris:and pls share your thoughts

xuimin:sori if the author always have a mistaken spelling of  words or grammar...she is quite lazy

me: xuimin!!!*chasing xuimin...then he finally got xuimin...tickles him to death..*

luhan:stop it you two

the rest: yeah ...stop you two..*then we stop*

exo and me: ....thanks you...and pls no plaigirism guise thank you..

pls do support this story ^-^...

I am only your tinkerbell,she's your wendy(exo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now