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"This is your room. This is only one bed...I mean you two are supposed to be married but that's besides the point..." Mcgonnagall said awkwardly as Hermione and Draco stood in front her.
"Your password is Red...enjoy?" She said uncomfortably, then walked away.

"Red," Hermione says and walked in lugging her suitcase into the room. It was a nice little living room one, Hermione picked a door assuming it was a room. It was.

"So, which side of the bed are you getting?" Draco said slyly. With the tip of the wand, the bed split into two.

"Neither." She said pushing her bed far away from his.
"Listen, I don't particularly love the situation we are in either. But I'm trying to make it bearable. Could you try?" Draco said annoyed.

"I guess, sorry I'm just in a bit of a shock." She said sitting down. She laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. She breathed in and out.

A knock was heard on the door. Hermione sat up, but Draco was already getting it.

"Granger, its weasel and an annoying pipsqueak." Ron and Lavendar. Hermione stood up.

"Why would they?....tell them I'm sleeping." She ran back to her bed and got under the covers.

"She's sleeping right now, come back later." He said almost closing the door. But Ron opened it back up.
He walked passed Draco and to Hermione. She rubbed her eyes cand sat up.
"Hermione?" She sat up pretending to be confused. Ron was kneeling down before her.

"Let's run away." This shocked her. They had just gotten back.
"What?" She said. He grabbed her hand.
"We can go Hermione. We can just get up and leave."
She took her hands out of his.
"They'd find us, Ronald." She said sitting back.
"Why would we leave anyway? What's the point?"
"They put us with people we don't want to be with." He said standing up.

"I don't want to run away, ron. We just got back." She said, her eyes starting to water.

He backed away from her.
"You want to stay...with a deatheater?"
"Don't call him that." She warned him.
"He called you numerous of names,"
"Made you feel worthless, his aunt did that to your arm." He said holding her arm. She slapped him.
"Get out." He looked at her face and left. He bumped into Draco, on purpose as he left.

"Uh--" Draco started, but Hermione held a hand up towards him and walked onto their balcony. She shut the door and sat on the ground. Staring at the stars, she wondered what her purpose was.
She heard the door open, but kept her eyes on the stars.
"We have a nice view out here."
Hermione nodded.
"Thank you, for sticking up for me back there, and over the summer."

She gasped.
"Never did I ever expect Malfoy, the Malfoy to thank me?" She said smiling. He smirked and shook his head.
"Did you ever think....the stars decide our fate?" Hermione said to him.
"I've never really thought about it..."

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