Chapter 5 {Lauren}

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I roll over and find myself face to face with an angry looking Luke. I say "Hey Luke, what's wrong?" He jumps up and snarls at me then he says, "I remember Lauren. I remember everything, my god how you ruined everything for me.

I loved Alex, no I still love her and you made me into a disgusting bloodsucker." How does he remember? A hiss escapes my lips and I snarl out "Alex." He comes towards me and says, "What about Alex, you other than the fact that you destroyed her."

I flash a full blown smile and say, "You see Fluke , the only possible way that you could remember everything is that she found a way to forget about you and has found someone new; Someone that's already a vampire." He glances at me, then burst out laughing and says, "She could never forget about me and there's also the absurdness in the thought of her ever loving a vamp; because everyone knows werewolves and vampires could never fall in love with each other."


Oh his eyes are so lovely and I just want to kiss those gorgeous cotton candy colored lips. He must have been able to read my mind because he pulled me against him and said, "Your wish is my command Ale." Then he presses his lips against mine and every nerve in my body explodes. Some inner voice inside me says I have always known somewhere deep inside me that I would end up with him but I never knew I would end up with him this soon in my life. I back up and say "Whoa okay what was that about?" He smiles at me and says, "I have always known there was a reason that I liked werewolves, but I didn't know the reason was because I was supposed to fall in love with a pack leader."


"Oh I think you felt that little shift in the atmosphere, didn't you?" he glares at me and then says," Okay, I felt it. What's it supposed to mean?" I chuckle at his idiotic question and say," You know what it means."


"No!" I scream, this pathetic creature must be lying I know Alex. She would never forget me and do something as stupid as fall in love with a vampire. Although, if she does have a soft spot for vampires now that means that I can be with her. However, the shift I felt gives me the strangest feeling, because if it means what I think it means then I have some competition.


Is this a dream or is it real? Is she actually here? I have had visions of her ever since I can remember but I just thought she was just some vampire that was coming after me because the Ettorez sent her to destroy me and my clan; but now that's she is here I know I was always meant to be with her. She does not smell like wet dog and I do not even know how that is possible because that is exactly what her friend Sam smells like. Alex smells like French vanilla and brownies, it is making my mouth water.


He smells nothing like a regular vampire does, and by that, I mean he does not smell like heavy flower perfume. No, he smells like fresh autumn leaves and cotton candy bubblegum. That is enough to make anyone's mouth water, and gosh, you can just get your fingers lost in his curly brown locks. How is it possible that I can fall in love with someone so quick?

Maybe this is all just a trick of the mind, maybe he works with the dark forces of this world. I back away and take off in a run. "Alex, come back. Where are you going?" he calls out to me but I keep running and ignore him. I feel a rush of wind and see him running beside me. He reaches out and puts his arm in front of me. I skid to a stop and turn to look at him and say, "Leave me alone Styles." He takes a step back, starts to say something then stops and then starts again, and says, "What did I do to you? All we've done is kissed." I look into his eyes and say," this is happening way too quick I just met you Harry, and you are a vampire for Christ's sake. This cannot happen and I cannot handle something like this. And yet I just can't control myself near you and that kills me."


She is backing out, how can this be? I know she can feel it too but she is not ready for it I can tell and I will be here until she is ready for us and for all that is to come. I watch as she walks away and then I call out "Al, I know you can't handle us right now; so can we just stay friends?" She blinks clearly surprised by the suggestion then says, "Sure, I would love that."

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