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Last Dance Part 2


Hey, Sasuke-kun! Waah, you're so busy entertaining my guests tonight that you forgot your cellphone on the table. I can see you smiling at my guests. Do you know that I love your smile? I envy you, you know? They're all my guests for my 18th birthday but I can't entertain them like you do. You're just so perfect. You always say that I'm beautiful, I know right! But hey, you remember my wishes, right? I hope we can make those come true. We WILL make those come true no matter what happens. I'm just thinking, what if I die tonight? If I get reincarnated, I still want to have my name and I hope you'll have the same name as well so that no matter what year or time we get reborn in, our love story will still get rewritten for the second time. Thank you for making me feel like a princess tonight.. Fairytale or not, you're still my prince. I love you to the moon and back...


I suddenly jolted awake, catching my breath. Fuck, I'm sweating. What was that dream all about? And the cellphone recording...

I suddenly felt tears streaming down my face. Why am I crying?

"Fuck, why am I crying?"

I feel so weird right now. I can't stop crying like an idiot. I grabbed my cellphone, immediately checking my recordings...


Was I really just dreaming? But it felt so real and familiar. My name, the girl said my name. It's impossible that I'm the one who owns the phone in my dream though. I saw the date of the recording.

December 3, 2017

Impossible... I'm sure that it's not a coincidence. Today's December 3 as well, but the year difference is... Big. Today's December 3, 2065.

Holy shit, today's our field trip!

I took a bath quickly and wore my school uniform. I love museums so I decided to join our field trip this year. I think museums are thrilling and amazing. I mean, seeing different things from years and years and years ago? Amazing!

"Bye, mom!"

"Text me, okay?"


I entered the school bus and sat on the front seat. When the bus arrived in front of the school, half of the students joining the field trip were waiting there, including my crush. They all started entering the buses and I was shocked to see her sitting next to me. Act cool, Sasuke.

"Nice, Sasuke!!" my friend, Naruto, shouted from the back and I glared at him.

"I see, you still like me, huh?" (full name), my all time crush and childhood friend, said as she chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Don't say things like that."

"What? Are you ashamed of me?" she asked as she pouted. Stop, stop, stop. Your beauty is out of this world.

"No," I replied as I wrap my arms around her shoulders. It's no big deal since we've been friends since we were 4 years old and nothing even changed after she knew that I have feelings for her. Maybe it's because I still act the same around her.

"I was waiting for you to do that since I'm still sleepy. I dreamt about a girl getting hit by a truck. I stayed up for the whole 3 hours thinking of what happened next. You know that I love investigating, right?" she told me and I nodded, feeling a bit uneasy. So she had a dream as well, huh? She loves investigating and I love paranormal-related things.


"Do you think it's a ghost, trying to tell me something?"

"Maybe... Maybe," I whispered.

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